Here comes another JRPG coming for ps3 next year Ar tonelico 3!.. the past Ar tonelico games were on ps2 and both games were great games tho personally i enjoyed Ar tonelico 2 more than the first one.. the thing in both games that they got great sound track, amazing songs that u can never get bored of
Ar tonelico
Ar tonelico 2
Ar tonelico 3 is scheduled to be released in Japan Jan 28th/2010.. hopefully NISA will be locolizing this after their done with Atelier Rorona (ps3). some pictures of the Ar tonelico III
Ar tonelico 3
The more JRPG's the better i say tho we'r gonna need more cash for those great games coming next year :P
P.S: thanks to (Slashkice)who have found the news and posted it on SW
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