I was looking that game up last night and I heard about its harsh, unforgiving gameplay. It looks cool but, I hate games that are extremely hard so I'd pass.
the game isnt as hard as everyone says. once you know how certain enemies react, attack, defends, and their weaknesses the game is good. i hate extremely hard games too, but this game was decent.if you like open world rpg games look for borderlands. they now have all the add on's attached to the game for $30 i believe.
Mortal kombat used might be $30 give or take and its a awesome game.
spiderman web of shadows is a good game and should be in your price range. i bought mass effect 2 for 27 bucks used and its a good game. assassins creed 2. i dont know how much red dead redemption is used, but it might be in your price range. if you beat it already buy the undead nightmare add on, its awesome. star ocean the last hope (if you can find it) is an alright game. i just bought it for 25$.
and ill add mini ninjas. i had fun with this game at least.
Well.... I had Mass Effect, Red Dead, Mortal Kombat and Boarderlands however, I never I got any of the dlc before so I might take a look if the dlc is any good. As for star ocean I doubt I can find it cuz i've looked for that and Valkyria Chronicles and can't find either one.
The Saboteur
I just looked this game up is this open world?
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