I know... I thought the idea of Qore was kind of stupid too after the first one... but with the R2 interviews and the Naruto demo, I was tempted to give it a try. And truthfully, for $3, not that bad... the only interviews I've watched are for R2. Seeing the game in HD... I can now say that the trailers really don't do the game justice! It is gorgeous!
I know that the devs said there's still a lot they're adding into the game, but it is already looking better than a lot of the games out today. The artistic look of the Chicago level kind of reminds me of Bioshock for some reason, but it looks LOTS better graphically. And Bioshock is still my favorite looking game on the 360 so far, so that's really saying something. For those that were worried about the graphics, I don't think you'll be dissapointed at all.
For those that have $3 to waste, Qore isn't really bad... just for the videos. My only problem with it from the interviews I did watch, is that it doesn't really provide a whole lot of new information... and you can find the vids posted online anyway for free, the quality just isn't as good as seeing it all in HD. I will look forward to an E3 addition though.
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