They need to...
Use the hit detection from MW2 (miles better than Black Ops and a clear step up from WaW and MW).
Keep the art style of MW2.
Give us more gun variety... we don't need 12 assault rifles that are nearly the same, besides 4 or 5.
GET DEDICATED SERVERS. It's ridiculous that the best selling video game franchise of all time, which is so heavily rooted in its multiplayer features does not have dedicated servers for the millions, and millions, and millions, and millions of people who play these games. This won't happen because Activision is cheap/lazy, but it would truly make the CoD series 2x better, and MUCH more enjoyable. Imagine matches not dropping, no host migrations that lag on for a minute only to kick you, no advantage given to the host/whoever connects to the host the best, and vastly better hit detection. CoD would be much, much better online.
Create better perk balance. Instead of being lazy, give perks a counter. Example: Stopping power and Jugg... Stopping power was overly popular, overly used and simply overpowered in its perk tier in MW2 because nothing could counter it. Ghost and Flak Jacket need counters as well. Scavanger and Hardline don't really give you an advantage in a gunfight (Hardline doesn't at all, and Scav doesn't directly I guess), so leave them be if you bring them back. But things like Ghost, Flak Jacket, Stopping Power, Danger Close, Jugg, etc... that give a clear boost to your character in a matchup need to have the potential to be countered (ie, there needs to be a perk in existence that can counter each of them). There are perks like SoH or Steady Aim that I wouldn't expect to be countered because they would have to do something outlandish for that to happen.
Create better gun balance. Black Ops has quite good gun balance now that several patches have been released, but there are still clearly guns there are more advantageous to use than others. The Famas outclasses the other Assault Rifles and the 74u outclasses the other SMGs. The LMGs are balanced well, as well as the snipers, but then again, there are only 4 of each, and they aren't used as much as the otherweapon classes, so even if they had balance problems, it wouldn't do much to hurt the multiplayer.
Better map variety. MW2 felt like it was always pushing you to close-quarters situations and stuffy gunfights. Give us more "Large" maps and don't pack EVERY medium-sized map to the brim with houses and what not.
... If they want this to be better than MW2 or BO.
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