This actually looks pretty interesting, especially the splitscreen thing. What size is that tv for that price? Although I very much doubt it would be anywhere near that good price (if they even sell it at all) in rip off Ireland >:(Yo-gan
Well most 24" monitors are like $150-$200...
Most 24" 120+hz monitors (ie: 3D) are like $300-$400...
But this also includes a TV Tuner (only 24" monitors I know of with that are from Samsung and they are $350, and have no 3D) and the TV tuner means you can do just that, watch TV on it, something you can't do on a plain monitor...
And it has that split screen stuff, which is pretty neat if you play a lot of split screen multiplayer... I for one do not, so that feature is entirely useless to me, but it is still neat having two separate screens be shown on a single monitor for two different people...
Not to mention it comes with a $60 game and their $70 glasses...
So it seems at the very least like an adequate deal...
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