I think the biggest mistake the ps3 ever made was the fact they only had 256mb of ram. This was such a bottleneck for the system.
If it makes you feel better, the PS3 actually has 512 MB of RAM.
This issue gets confusing because Sony gave half to the Cell CPU and half the RAM to the GPU. It wasn't unified. There was a lot of discussions on this from 2006-2008, and finally when I thought everyone knew, I ran across this post today. :P
I can see where you are going, you mean that their biggest mistake was not having 512MB of RAM pooled together and shared in a unified manner.
That's my mistake. I always thought the menu system/ online store suffered from being slow due to the low amount of ram. What difference does pooling it together btw? Why didn't they pool it together... maybe giving more room for the cell processor to maneuver.The OS being slow wasn't due to the low amount of RAM, it was slow due to the low amount of RAM set ASIDE for the OS. More RAM goes to devs than on the competition console. This allows for some beautiful exclusives (MGS4, GOWIII, Uncharted 2/3, The Last of Us, Killzone 2/3, etc), but it also prevents Party chat.
It can be confusing. Both the 360 and PS3 have 512MB of RAM, but they handle it differently, and more importantly Sony set less RAM aside in the very beginning for their OS and gave more to the studios.
To give you another example, the PS3 could have had 1GB of RAM, double that of PS3, but if not enough RAM is set aside for the OS, you still would have had the same problems.
Another thing to consider is the PS3 had more expensive types of RAM in the PS3 vs. the competition, and they even found a way to link the CELL and GPU RAM together, but it was a lot of work. Ultimately, they didn't pool it, but for PS4 they are pooling the RAM.
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