psn: Starchild789
Dont add me if your obnoxious or a jerk. I take a real personal approach to my gaming life style so for instance if your gonna be a dick and hit me constantly or ruin my pod in LBP then dont bother...
Dont add me if your obnoxious or a jerk. I take a real personal approach to my gaming life style so for instance if your gonna be a dick and hit me constantly or ruin my pod in LBP then dont bother...
I take it this guy gets hit and pod raped alot.
---Anyways I have a sick sweet sense of humor, 23, m, from Miami Beach, FL. Im into comics, anime, horror, videogames, foreign films, weird and surreal, laugh, read, write, pee... I need a G/F, I believe the PSN is going to get me one soon!!!
Im socially deranged, stoned the majority of my time, and can always be seen up on all hours because Im a full time gamer. I wont add you if we dont have anythng in common or dont talk or dont game.. this isnt a popularity contest to see how many PSN friends you have, its a chance to make great friendships that can extend into honesty and genuine love for a fellow human being in a corrupt and evil cynical mans ballsack.
As of this message Im shacked in a motel with my HD and PS3 getting crap wireless but Im playing R2. I started a clan with two others and looing for people to see if you can enjoy it. Im currently a lvl 21 medic in coop and have yet to dip my eyes in comp.
Im playing LBP and Fallou3 and GTA (which consists of me and the one and only foxhound sniper smoking and doing the weird and unusual in the liberty free modes.
Check the PSN ID board to see what games I have. From that list I ended up renting FC2 and SR2. Currently I have rented 007 but Im about to return it. Up next Im getting Mirrors Edge, Valkyria Chronicles, and possibly CODWAW if I enjoy it enough but may just rent that because I dont get enough multiplayer cod4 replay anyways. Im renting Tomb Raider when it arrives and cant wait for that... so what the reviews are bad, the game is gonna be so much fun!
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