Yes the ownage was big but PS3 is not going to die due to this announcement. I'm sure everyone was aware that 3rd party exclusives will be rare this gen so stop your moaning, we didn't lose a game, it just went multilat. Are you guys forgetting that vs13 is still an exclusive. If you are seriously doubting your PS3 purchase due to this game then PLEASE go sell your PS3 becasue you DONT derserve it. Look I maybe being harsh but the truth some of you guys are overeacting to this announcement. Remember Sony's conference will start today so I'm sure they will have BIG announcements too. PS3 is a great system and I am happy I bought one, I always judge a console by its 1st/2nd party titles and for me PS3 definitely takes the cake.
Please be patient, it's not the end of the world :)
Hers a list I haven't dug for ages.
Great exclusives which are out:
- Uncharted
- Heavenly Sword
- Ratchet & Clank Future
- Resistance FOM
- Warhawk
- Folklore
- Ninja Gaiden Sigma
- Motorstorm
- Singstar
- Time Crisis 4
- The Eye of Judgment
- Formula One Championship Edition
- Gran Turismo 5 Prologue
- Metal Gear Solid 4 !!!!!!!
150+ titles I believe. Here are the known titles below:
- BlazBlue (2008 )
- White Knight (2008 )
- Infamous (2009 )
- WarDevil (2008 )
- Nobi Nobi Boy (2008 or early 2009)
- Afrika (2008 )
- L.A. Noir (2009)
- Heavy Rain (2008 or 2009)
- Final Fantasy versus 13 (2009)
- God Of War 3 (2009)
- Tekken 6 (2008 )
- Resistance 2 (2008 )
- Motorstorm 2 (2008 )
- LittleBigPlanet (2008 )
- Gran Turismo 5 (2008 )
- Killzone 2 (2008 )
- Disgaea 3 (2008 )
- Kurayami (late 2008 or 2009 )
- Naruto: PS3 Project (2008 )
- Yakuza 3 (2008 )
- Wipeout PS3 (2008 or 2009 )
- The Agency (2008 )
- DC Universe (2008 may slip to 2009 )
- Everybody's Golf 5 (2008 )
- Eyedentify (2008 )
- Fifth Phantom Saga (2008 )
- Free Realms (2008 )
- Way of the Samurai 3 (2008 )
- SOCOM: Confrontation (2008 )
- Siren Blood Curse* (2008 )
I would also like to add that there are LOTS more exclusive titles which are either TBA or name unknown, games like Syphon Filter, Team Ico's game, Jak 4, ZOE3, Cellius games, Jaffe's new studio games, Rockstar's PS3 exclusives etc etc.
The list can be seen from the website below:
Still think the PS3 is gonna die 8)
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