Too lazy to format properly:
Star Ocean -- Go foor iiiit
Resonance of Fate - Only played 10 hours but the exploring is rather boring and reminds you more of a board game. The cutscenes were entertaining to watch but unfortunately, these cutscenes are very few and it's a a very very battle oriented game
Cross Edge (or X Edge) - budgety B-game at best. made by the companyNISA, which means it's a milkage game. The exploring is a horrible complete grindfest, game is maximum grind.
Last Rebellion - Have not played, has a meta score of 4.4 which is not surprising because well, it's a NISA game after all...
Record of Agarest --
the Atelier games -- /NISA-game
Ar tonelico -- /NISA-game
Zill Oil
Eternal Sonata - Go fooor ittt
Enchanted Arms
Disgaea 4 (note that i played Disgaea 1+2 about 3 years ago so it's still so fresh) - No need to waste money on Disgaea 4 if you've already own two other games, Disgaea is pretty fun to play but it's laughable to see how little these games have changed.
Personally, if'd probably check out the PS1 (and PS2 maybe) available on PSN since they offer some higher quality jrpgs... This generation has not been kind to the jrpgs.
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