Would be nice if they made a 4-pack with KHFM, Re:CoM, KH2FM, and BBSFM, but sadly I think they'd have announced something by now if they were. Still, there's E3.
My guess is March since that would mark the 10 year anniversary of the series.
Nomura said in an interview he wants to announce "something special" (unfortunately not Kingdom Hearts III) for the anniversary. Combine that with his comments of an "HD testing" and his interest to "introduce new players to the Kingdom Hearts series," I think it's inevitable.
That would rock if they made the 3 Playstation 2 Kingdom hearts games along with the PSP Birth by sleep game into a Playstation 3 HD collection. That would really rock. Square Enix/Disney may do it. If and when Kingdom Hearts 3 ever comes to being released on PS3.
However doesn't look like it this year at least....Sigh.
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