[QUOTE="-Grieves-"] There are some games that I will pay full price for on the day that they are released (the last one for me was GTAIV).
With other games, I will wait until I can get them for I price that I'm happy to pay (R&C-£20, Uncharted-£10).
For me, it's about working out what the value of the game is for me and then waiting until I can get the game for that price.
That's more or less my ethos too...are there any particular games you are currently waiting for the price to drop on??
Now that I've got Uncharted (last week), the only one I'm currently waiting for is MGSIV, which I've played at a friends house and really enjoyed, but I don't really play FPS's so I'll wait until I see it for £20.
What helps is that I've got more games than I've got time to play at the moment and I really should finish some of them off before I buy anything new.
I'm currently working through FFXII (nearly finished), Ico, Oblivion, GTAIV, R&C, Uncharted, The World Ends With You and FFIV. I've also got FFVIII and FFIX that I haven't touched yet and got some of the earlier Final Fantasy's that I want to replay.
I'm also looking forward to Mirror's Edge, Bioshock and White Knight Story, so I've got plenty to keep me going for a while!
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