I play on an 80GB fatty (bought second hand) and have had the following issues with Skyrim:
Sometimes a speach option wont accept my click of the button, I have to repeat several times or walk away and come back
Sometimes the Save option in the menu is dull, not white and I have to walk to a new area and try again. Sometimes just waiting fixes this, but not waiting in the menu, waiting back in the game. Its actually all commands except Help, not just Save...
Shadows look.....well, like everyone elses on PS3/XBox (better than those in GT5 though!!). No frame-rate drops that Ive noticed but if it happened while a dragon was attacking then I was too busy to care!
Save file now at 4.6MB....no problems yet, though I only use 1 save file (makes your descicions more meaningful and battles scarier!). My son and partner also have games, so I guess its 3 save files plus any autosaves for the current game.
When I change weapons/spells via Favourites or regular menu it does take a few secopnds (up to 5) before my choice appears in my hand, sometimes I die waiting for the item to appear...but maybe this is normal and I need to choose before they are on top of me...
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