I don't think we will see a new PS system for awhile or any other for that matter. I think the price point of both HD consoles turned people off. The prices that they are at now are the launch prices of their previous systems. Games are being made for it all the way up to 2012. I am pretty sure that Mass Effect will complete it's trilogy on this generation's systems. the 2nd one just came out this year, so that means that the third won't come out until 2012 or maybe early 2013.
Games like Agent, the Agency, Last Guardian Uncharted 3, and so forth.
Sony is now coming out with the move, it would dumb to come out with that and then come out with PS4 a year later. Same with the other companies
Sony still has the name Starhawk trademarked, and I am sure incognito is working on another PS3 game.
Usually new technology is shown off a year and half before the system comes out.
People knew about PS2 in 1999 and PS3 in 2005.
Wii was called revolution back in 2005.
There have not been any games showing next generation technology.
It would dumb to come out with big games in a year that a new console launches.
The gamecube had nothing out for it in fall of 2006. Other than Final Fantasy 12 what hit games for PS2 did sony have in the fall of 06?
Usually when a new system is going to come out soon, the big titles tend to slow down a bit for the current console. That doesn't seem to be happening.
Sony has way too many games in development for PS3 to even think about promoting PS4. Same with the other systems.
I don't think the jump from PS3 to PS4 is going to be as big from PS1 to PS2 or from PS2 to PS3. What else could they possibly do?
Now that there is technology to receive patches/updates/DLC and whatever else, we don't need new systems as often or even full blown sequels for that mater. There are less games being made now, then in previous generations. Companies still go on about how expensive this generation is.
PS4 is not needed right away. I like getting at least one system early in it's lifecycle so I can still game when the older systems die out. I think I will wait a couple years before even thinking about getting a next gen or by then current gen system. I don't have as much time to play anymore.
Developers need to focus more on being creative with their games than making using new hardware. Genres need to be balanced out. We have way more shooters than anything else. There are not enough platformers or RPG's We need more new IP fighting games, then the same 5 mainstays over and over.
There has been a rise of classic gaming this generation. Earthworm jim, the Genesis collection, Gunstar Heroes, and a lot of other old games have been coming out on current gen hardware. Even some of the newer games are going back to the old ways. Scott Pilgrim, Sonic 4, Mega Man 9 and 10, 3D Dot game Heroes, New Mario Bros, Mario Galaxy 2, Demon's souls, Arc Rise Fantasia, the new mortal kombat, the new contra, Punch Out, Castlevania order of ecclesia. Many people cry out for old school turn based RPG's. From what I have read, a lot of people don't want or are ready for new systems.
In short, yes I will still play PS3 when PS4 comes out because I won't have PS4 right away if ever. I don't see it in the near future. I would say 2013 may be the earliest we will see it
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