Just so every one knows this is not a troll or me flaming the PS3 I'm actually a big Sony fan all I own is a PS3. But anyways I was listening to today's on the spot 12/4/07 and it seems that black Friday was a huge hit while PS3 did get its share of sells on black Friday the big sells came from the Wii and 360 the 360 selling 310,000 consoles as the Wii sold 350,000 consoles and if they had a larger shipment it would of sold more. Just as things where kicking up for Sony another waterfall effect has came are way for the complete sales of the console and the numbers worldwide.
Just so that we understand perfectly you are a troll, and a bad one at hiding at that, I own both PS3 and 360, and I do not call myself a PS3 fanboy, but recently I only play games on PS3 beside the only exception that is Mass Effect.
There are quite a few point I can say about your post:
1) Despite lacking serious system pusher like Wii's SMG and 360's Halo3 and Mass Effect in recent month, PS3 is gaining ground on both system and as matter of fact already suprass 360 both in Europe and Japan area. Let's face it, America is the only holy ground 360 is holding, and it's falling apart at that already fallen behind Wii.
2) Line up for 360 is lacking in the following year. Most of major titles being released for 360, beside NG2, will see port to PS3 as well. I donno about you, but that would certainly help PS3 a lot more then 360, now that the price point for both system isn't as sharply as it was 2 months ago.
3) Heavenly Sword and Uncharted, while being loved by PS3 community, aren't that unique and popular among the none-PS3 holders. That will seriously change when the big hitter comes arond next year with release of MGS4, FF13, White Knight Story, Killzone 2, and hopefully GoW3.
I once said 360 will die with release of Halo 3. It's turning out to be true so far.
[edit] oh yeah, using nextgenwar as reference instead of NDPOR's montly report, even at least vgchartz, shows your total ignorence of the current gaming market and trusted report.
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