It's starting to get to me, you all know what I am talking about, yeah that's right bad reviews for the PS3. The PS3 costs more, it has more features and it should have better graphics, pure logic right? Wrong! what started as a fad of bashing the PS3 has turned more so, even when the specs are Obvious starring everyone in the face!
Lets begin this rant with Fight Night Round 3, the facts being the graphics were noticeably better, the framerates were smoother, the gameplay was more intense with first person view, yet, with these achievements Gamespot still scored it lower than it's predecessor on the other console, Why!? Well I can tell you that your guess is as good as mine, it probably never will be known but we all let it slide saying "Well wait, our time will come, when the next game is released."
We all know the one that came next 'Oblivion', great gameplay and awesome story. This was one of the PS3's great achievements, taking a game that was always exclusive on the other platforms and bringing it to the PS3, However! we all thought it would look and play worse on the PS3 version knowing it was a port from the other consoles, boy were we wrong. When Oblivion came to the shelves the difference was as clear as night and day. To our shock and amazement the PS3 version was far superior to the other versions not only in graphics, but it also came with the full version of Knights of the Nine as a plus. We were sure the reviews would be better this time, but again how wrong we were, once again a superior version of a game scored lower than the counterparts, we were baffled as to why, but received no answer. So what did we do, once again we let it slide "Until the NEXT one."
Well the next one did come out, this game was also famous known as 'Rainbow Six: Vegas'. This time we thought we would get a fair chance, at least the graphics weren't bad right? Wrong, the graphics being nor better nor worse as the 360's but about the same, the gameplay was the same, the online was even pretty much the same, yet we once again scored Lower.
Fed up and tired we heard about a game being made by Ubisoft that was Finally being built from the ground up on the PS3, not just some crappy port, the game 'GRaW2'. Hoping that we might finally have a fair chance we waited out for the game, even when the Xbox 360 version came out first, we waited holding out for a better version, and that is just what we got. The shadowing and textures were CLEARLY better, the gameplay had an added feature holding out for rumble support, this was one that I waited for the review knowing it would be better than the 360's. Once again .... Wrong! The review stating nothing more than the added "Optional SIXAXIS" being a bad feature still scored it lower than the 360!
Is this the game designers fault for making lazy ports? Yes! but it is understandable that they didn't have the hardware and still are learning the curve. But even though developers don't know the hardware to well, they are still coming out with ports that are either as Good if not Better than the other consoles. So I ask again Why? You probably know better than I do so please tell me why.
It's not only the ports though, with games like 'Warhawk' and 'Heavenly Sword' being threatened, can we really say that the PS3 is future proof? You may deny it but the Reviewers decide. Reviews from Gamespot, IGN and 1Up have more influence than you might think, maybe not for you, but for other consumers who look to reviews for guidance on which console to buy. Think about it, if you could buy one console that was less expensive and had better reviews would you buy it or the more expensive console? This doesn't mean the 360 is better, far from it in fact, but what about the ones who don't know? Face it Sony is loosing customers because of piss poor reviews from IGN, Gamespot and 1Up.
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