this thread is to take back, correct, and apologise for a statemeant i made the other day regarding the new game plus feature on batman arkham city.. i got the hang of it and beat it a few hours ago and immediatly began a new game on it, simply put ITS FREAKIN AWESOME!!! once you start playing without the stupid counter icons it makes u wonder why the game ever had them in the first place, as u clearly don't need them, they should have been reserved only for the easiest setting or something and the games original design should have never had them.. countering attacks in this game has become like a second nature and not only makes it funner, more realistic and cooler looking.. but it adds a different appeal to the game it was lacking, when u take out a large crowd without any hit indicators you actually feel like you've accomplished something, not just stood around waiting for a prompt to tell ya to press buttons.. my sincerist apologies for not understanding this earlier.. my only gripe now is that i'd like to play the normal story without all upgrades from the begining without hit indicators, also is there a way you can disable counter icons in the challange rooms? anyways, i just felt i should share this. :D
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