i kinda feel you're pain, though my issue is a bit different, my account name and/or password is no longer accepted by psn for whatever weird reason, whenever i try to sign in it tells me my info is wrong even though its not, i even tried calling sony and telling them of the problem, no help givin... it wouldn't bother me so much except ALL my saves are on this account and i'm getting a new slim model ps3 next month, so i'm likely gonna lose EVERYTHING all cause of a stupid psn screw up.. :(
If I recall correctly my game was free. Regardless if it was through Qore, Last Chance Program from the blackout or I paid for it, I shouldn't be having this problem. I just don't want to have this problem in the future with PSN games I do like.
As for your problem, I've never encountered it before. I suggest going on the PS Board and asking there too if you haven't. I had a hard time logging into my PSN account on the XMB. I know there was no stealth maintenance going on, so it must have been someone trying too access it. I couldn't log on and everytime I tried accessing my account details menu it would freeze. I managed to eventually get on, so I changed my password.
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