WhenI went in to pick up Stranglehold today they had freakin Dynasty Warriors Gundam on the demo PS3 kiosk. Worst PS3 game ever out as the demo.
I asked a 'salesman' who was busy playing GH3 on the 360 demo kiosk where I could get a copy of Stranglehold and he said 'its right over there, 2nd rack of 360 games'. I said No, I want the PS3 version as there were none out and he replied that he didnt do PS3 that I need to find Todd the PS3 guy. Well after going through 2 more 'salesmen/fratboys' i finally found 'Todd the PS3 guy' who got me the game from the back. I asked him why a crap game like DWG was the demo in the kiosk and he just shrugged and said thats what came with the demo model.
I also noticed they had a giant wall of green 360 Arcade boxes in the videogame aisle complete with ad banner, and right behind that was a small pile of 40gb PS3 boxes. No effort or advertising was put out like on the 360 boxes. its almost as if they had just been dropped there.
Well, I'm sick of BB love for the 360 and wii and apathy for the PS3. I'm just going to Gamestop or onlineto pickupCoD4 and Haze.
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