Best PS3 Game.............Post ethier a list of top 5 games .........or an out and out best game for ps3
heres mine-
1.Orange box
2. Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare
3. Uncharted Drakes Fortune
post yours
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1. Ninja Gaiden Sigma.
2. Devil May Cry 4 (imo)
3. Assassin's Creed.
4. Uncharted
5. Soon to be MGS4
out of the very few I have played....
Resistance for sure!
and like you above.... MGS4, no doubt about it!
Oblivion. I had it on 360 and beat it 3 times, but I just cant get enough of it. As far as PS3 exclusives go, it would be a tie between Uncharted and Warhawk.
1. Unreal Tournament 3
2. Dark Kingdom (yeah I know Im crazy)
3. Devil may cry 4
4. Warhawk
5. Oblivion GOTY
1. Resistance: Fall of Man
2. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
3. Oblivion GOTY
4. Assassin's Creed
5. Soon to be Killzone 2/ Haze
Warhawk, Motorstorm, Uncharted, Ratchet--> all you need
AND WHATS WITH ALL THE COD4 VOTES?!?! It was good but not that amazing!!
and Motorstorm is great!!! This is on my list now because I just found out the greatest racing map ever: THE TENDERIZER
great map :D
soon to be number one: God of War III
1.) Call of Duty 4
2.) MLB 08
These r the top 5 of part of my collection. Then soon to be Gta4, MGS4, battlefield BC, Wardevil(when ever that comes out) and KZ2 ohh also White Knight and what ever great game 08 throws out there. This is Ps3 year Peps.
1.) (forshadowing) mgs4
2.) call of duty 4
3.) warhawk
4.) unreal tournament 3
o dang thats all i got :(
3. Uncharted Drakes Fortunetagger343
2. UnchartedJicsto86
2. unchartednambrose
2. Unchartedmlcj15
3. Unchartedtn2389
Uncharted: Drake's FortuneAchilles8766
4. Unchartedgirlpowerz
blah blah blah. Blah blah, it would be a tie between Uncharted and blah blah blahhillelslovak
My list would have 2 be.
1.Call Of Duty 4
2.Fifa 08
4.Dont laugh but Heavenly Sword
5. i guess resistance would have 2 be there.
But this list will change over the next couple of months like most people's lists with GTA 4, Killzone 2, MGS 4 and many more but i would like 2 think that call of duty will still be at the top of my list.
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