Yeah, 2009 will hopefully be a better year for the PSP- though we actually got more than just Crisis Core and God of War this year(I'm pretty sure I can leave a list of the good PSP games in 2008 to someone else... :) ).
Just a few notes with your list:
3. elder scrolls?Crispenz
Unfortunately, unless I've missed something, I'm pretty sure this was cancelled.
4. devil may cry seriesCrispenz
I don't think this has been confirmed yet- but we can hope.
7. clanys end warCrispenz
Endwar is coming out this november- not 2009. (Unless it's delayed, but I don't think it's going to be at this point)
10. gran turismoCrispenz
With how long this game's been in development- I'm skeptical on this one being released in 2009, if at all.
Other than that though, we should unquestionably see several good games for the PSP in 2009.
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