to tell you the truth RPG games are more of a kick you in your face or shoot your brains out kinda guy :)if you really want a good game...ill recommend tekken or manhunt 2.:)
Even if it's not the most innovative RPG,I absolutely adore The Legend of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion- it has the most amazing story ever. Jeanne D'Arc also seems quite awesome too. Oh, and Valkyrie Profile, if you can get the hang of it!
Its a tactics game but Jeanne D'Arc is really fun. Also I heard Brave Story was really sweet. But you could also go to Gamestop or EB games and just ask the guys who work there. They have helped me out many occasion.
Aside from pong, untold legends is THE MOST repetative game I have ever played. Grindfest galore. Kingdom of paradise was good.... not great but the graphics, story and scroll combo combat system was really cool. fantasy: crisis core is pretty good, untold legends 2 is fun as well, and i like gta: vice city stories better than the liberty stories version, but thats ure choice..does gta even count as rpg? lol..but wtv u do, dont get monster hunter 2, it sucks..unless ure into killing almost the same monsters in the same levels over and over
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