This might be a totally stupid question, but how the heck do u get a LittleBigPlanet beta key?! No one on my PS network friends know. Also, when does the beta key for Resistance 2 come out? I have the Qore free application, but it still says its not out. Oh one last thing. Which do you think will be better. Motorstorm 2 or Socom: Confrontation? I cant decide. Thanx dudes
A variety of websites were giving LBP beta keys away, some of these were simply just posting your personal information through a application or posting a message on their blog. Most of the keys are out already.
Not really sure on the Resistance 2 beta thing from Qore, but I know that the R2 beta is not out yet, so I would just wait for that.
Comparing Motorstorm and Confrontation are two different types of games. I know I will be putting up a lot of hours playing Socom: Confrontation. I have the first Motorstorm and I enjoyed it fairly, but I spent very little time playing it online. I would choose the game you think your going to spend more time with. I think Socom is going to be around for a very long time, and it comes with a $50 headset, so you can't go wrong.
Holy cow! that headset is 50$! Socom's startin to sound pretty good. I reserved for motorstorm 2, but i might switch to socom for the online that socom offers. U know what websites offer the beta keys for LBP?
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