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That's totally up to you, if you live your life according to other people opinions you won't get to far. ^_^
this is a question for xbox 360 owner to ps3 owners!? was it worth it!! i was thinking about tranfering my 360 and trading it in for a ps3!!! should i do it!1357
Yea, don't trade a console unless it has ABSOLUTELY loss value or is at least a couple years old. I sold my psp to a guy and i'm totally regretting it now that games like gowcoo and mgspo are on it. Just save up.
if you dont have live I dont see the point of an 360....PS3 plays about the same games and is also a blu-ray..I bought one for BD disk, then relized how good the games are..I would never trade my 360 cause i have LIVE. you decision
this is a question for xbox 360 owner to ps3 owners!? was it worth it!! i was thinking about tranfering my 360 and trading it in for a ps3!!! should i do it!1357
No bro, just save up some more cash and get the ps3. Both consoles are awsome...even though it's been months since I fired up my 360.
I'm a huge believer in having both. I have both and a Wii and love it. The idea that I can't play a game because I don't have a certain console is silly and upsets me. I'll play MGS4, Gears of War II, Ninja Gaiden II, Mario Brawl and Kart, GTA, and Grand Turismo this year because I can. So, if you can afford to, keep your 360 and save for the PS3.
First off if you all really think he had the money do you think he would even bother to post a question like this?
I say sell the xbox 360 as long as you can get at least $100 for it because keeping the console is $50 expense every year just to play on live. With the ps3 you buy it once and don't pay for online. The 360 has what two games in the near future that seem of pretty good interest to the general public with ninja gaiden 2 and gears 2.
PS3 has wipeout HD, Gran Tursimo, MGS4, Killzone 2, Resistance 2, the agency, socom, Tekken 6, white knight story, getaway 3, infamous, FFXIII and versus, All the other great multiplatform titles as well as more exclusives that I can't even think of.
Oh and I almost forgot with xbox moving to blu ray you may have to purchase a blu ray player for the xbox360 in order to play all the games in the future. Not sure how that is going to work but with MS constantly dropping the price of the console its pretty much looked at as having no value what so ever. I know the ps3 is droping their price but thats only because of MS, perhaps they have too much money because I think that they want to be successful with their xbox360 so bad that just about any other company would of have gone bankrupt by now. I'm still trying to figure out why they want to add a blu ray to the xbox360 and how exactly does this impact the current owners of the xbox360 console? I'm just happy I'm not in their shoes but then again I never even considered buying the 360 with having to pay for live now if live offered free downloadable content for everying thing including all their games, now that would be a decent deal.
id only trade in a system if i got 100% of the money i paid for it, but you only get like 1/4 of the money back so pretty much a NO on the trade in. the best idea is to save up for it
I'm a huge believer in having both. I have both and a Wii and love it. The idea that I can't play a game because I don't have a certain console is silly and upsets me. I'll play MGS4, Gears of War II, Ninja Gaiden II, Mario Brawl and Kart, GTA, and Grand Turismo this year because I can. So, if you can afford to, keep your 360 and save for the PS3.
That's what I'm talking about bro!!!! Plus owning multiple consoles minimizes fanboyism. lol
[QUOTE="PS3videos"]I'm a huge believer in having both. I have both and a Wii and love it. The idea that I can't play a game because I don't have a certain console is silly and upsets me. I'll play MGS4, Gears of War II, Ninja Gaiden II, Mario Brawl and Kart, GTA, and Grand Turismo this year because I can. So, if you can afford to, keep your 360 and save for the PS3.
That's what I'm talking about bro!!!! Plus owning multiple consoles minimizes fanboyism. lol
I don't know where they came up with fanboyism when all the consoles cost quite a bit themselves. So does me owning more than one car not make me a fanboy when I have 3 of them but yet cars are so expensive? Its kinda of the same with consoles except its a lot less money but not everyone can afford all of them. I'm pretty much always going to view the American cars as junk and go for a *** type of car. Anyway I would like a g37 but those are expensive so I'm looking at a 350 z.
this is a question for xbox 360 owner to ps3 owners!? was it worth it!! i was thinking about tranfering my 360 and trading it in for a ps3!!! should i do it!1357
Personally I would have to say no! I'm in a similar situation, well kinda... I have both systems and I can't get enough of my 360 the games and graphics are both there and your gonna kick yourself when GOW2 comes out. When I say I'm in a similar situation I'm gonna start a topic: Should I get rid of my PS3, why there is nothing I want to play on the system and WHERE IS HOME!!!!! I'm only holding on to my PS3 because I'm convinced it'll be here soon and I'll kick myself for getting rid of it and that's when it'll be worth having! So my opinion is NO, DO NOT DO IT SIR!
Enough with the screaming! Alright, Xbox has better games than the PS3 right now IMO, but sooner or later if you get a PS3, you will get your hands on think of that for a while.
I disagree, in my opinion PS3 has better games right now then 360.
That's totally up to you, if you live your life according to other people opinions you won't get to far. ^_^
My thought as well
Well it may have been better to stick with an Xbox a year ago but now xbox is kinda loosing its flare. Its not really worth much anymore with yearly live charges and still coming out with just shooter type games, if thats what you go for then I guess its still worth a lot then. PS3 is going to come out with some awesome games starting with MGS (don't care for that game though).
If you look at it the other way not many people would even consider to trade in a PS3 for an X360 unless they really wanted to play Halo with their friends or something.
That's totally up to you, if you live your life according to other people opinions you won't get to far. ^_^
couldn't agree more.
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