i always waited for this game, i follwed thier news, read thier programmes Reports, about what this game contain and the Features, Whether from Physical and arts. So as I rose and gave a great deal of confidence, till this game gets in my hand, so i start to Cutting this game...
here let me to show you the ugly Defects of this game!, Unlike to Public players on this creat Forum, im here to hert the game not Modified it,
so who want to know about this game Features, read some of the Existing Reports in this Forum. but me plz let me to Launch a Fierce attack on this game, and here im ganna start with word that some of the programmer game have said " Fully destructible environments"
wich it means the environments that can be destroyed like crysis. or better!!
but after this word i will start about ugly Negatives about this game FAR CRY 2 :
** why laughing on chins and Lying on Your statements Ubisoft Montreal ?? or Likely to improve and say : why Exaggeration on your statements, and saying that far cry 2 environments is fully destructible?? that you can only destroy some of the small buildings of wood ,
and Twigs trees and some of small boxs of wood? wheres the cement buildings ? you throw a shell of rockets and bombs on the buildings and its even dont Fissuring or scratch?? let the building beside. theres the boxs thats contain ammo.etc why they dont move when you shoot on them??
and whats wrong with the trees ? why they dont get off and cuts the twigs when you shoot on them a ROCKET?? the rocks around the high Mountains, why they dont fall down of them pieces of rock..
when you shoot on them a ROCK or shelles? they laugh at us by View some Dust when you throw a bomb
or shoot a rocket on a rock, but see a rock get off these rocks mountains??? at least one rock!!!
the game " battlefield bad company " Superiority of stages if we didnot mention the destroying subject Although they didnot Exaggerate from what they mention about thier game ( i mean DICE )! like what Ubisoft Montreal do about far cry 2 !!
** the sounds of the charters when they speak in the game, its bad*ss!!! you dont feel the credibility of their conversations, you feel they read texts on paper Quickly and without a rest!! why dont they learn from other company?? like GTA!!!
** we are now on 2009! till now theres no blood on ground?? and walls? yes theres blood come out from the body whn you hit the enemy
but where the hell blood go?? i know why they make it like this! cause they dont want the hardware drop to much power! so the game work fine and smoothly
but the is not an excuse. ubisoft have been releasd many games show the power of ubisoft
but we've Surprised about this game (far cry 2) with this huge Information and video and trailer .etc actually if this came from another company i would say ok, but OMG its from ubisoft! i mean WTF!
UBISOFT that known of releasing realistic games???
** wheres the holes on killed body?? i mean the bullet holes that we shoot on enemy? far cry 1 has that Features that you can see the hole of bullet on enemy body, but no on this version? far cry 2?? shame on you ubisoft !!! :(
** why i dont see the part of my body? legs hand?.etc while im walking and i see down i dont see sh*t i dont see my leg or my stomach .etc
wheres these parts of my body?? but when you drive a car you can see you legs right? WTF! but when i walk i dont see it!! LOL many of FPS games you can see your parts body like crysis, fear 2 , !
and call of Juarez that ubisoft have releasd this game on 2006!!! contain that. and mirror's edge contain that 2!
**wheres my Footprints when i walk on sand?? is this realistic ?? i walk on desrt path and theres sand but i dont see even one Footprints at least ONE Footprints !! what? is im flying or walking?
** what are these ugly arts charters?? have you completely Deficit on making a high arts charters???? and the moves when the enemy moves WHAT THE HELL how they are moving?? is they are skating on ice or what?? or they are making the MOON WALK move for michel jakson? LOL
** lets come to the fire... ok the fire thing and its moves its cool alright...but does the fire eat a small spot of tree paper? and Grass? and then its stop?? when does the fire have MERCY AND HEART?? to stop eating the Rest of grass and trees? OR theres Automatic extinguishers buried under sand? so its work after 1 min. of the eating fire?
** WOW. i nead 7 bullets of heavy gun to kill one enemy? WHAAAT?! i dont know, are they wearing a super suit? or a suit Against bullets or what? ok some of the strong guns you can kill a enemy with 3 bullets. but why they need 7 bullets to kill down one enemy with AK 47 WEAPON of the machine gun on the jeep cars?
** you cant ever try to kill them with hiding ! but in crysis you can!!! in far cry 2 even in night with silent weapon .
Once you just kill one enemy ( even with a knife) every body in the village will know that! right!!? not only this. even they will know where are you even when you kill him behind the wall and he didnot see you....then why they make for us to sneake at night and having silent weapons??
**wheres all these animals HELLO! its AFRICA!! i see only 2 zebra's or 2 Gazelle's .. aren't must be many diffrents groups of these animals ??? the sound of monkeys and birds fully on backround game... so wheres these animals?? and what is this ugly crime that have put it in thier game(far cry 2) . when i was playing the game ( far cry 2 ) i've walked beside a zebra so i've only touch the zebra and then he has die!!!!! what is this bullsh*t ?!!!
** OH YEAH!... wheres my voice?,.. i mean wheres the main charter that you are playing with it!!??? have they cut his tongue before he comes to AFRICA? or he have get hert with the malaria ? shame on you ubisfot!!!!
** the gameplay is boring! you repeat the same missions. go to this. kill the enmy. destroy the radio station. get back. take another mission. destroy the Tanker. get back. take for that 30 pieces of diamonds. so you buy new weapons. go take another new mission. bluh bluh.....!
wheres tha drama in the game? wheres the story?? you dont see anything except somthing of cinema conversions ( and not the 1st clas of cinema ).
now the game is open world and freedom ?and SO WHAT. gta iv open world but it contain a AWESOME story AND REAL and drama and cutscene Clips its like you are watching a cinema movie..
** im a person driving my car in peace. i get close from a Checkpoint (search spot) so i surprised they are shooting on me. WHY?
how they did know who im i ? does they kill any live creature that move in front of them??
the proplem is that t every 200-400 meters theres a Checkpoint . so you must Response for it before you reach your destination and complete your main objective
is n't there they cant make the Checkpoint Peaceful more.. so when you come in it. they command you to stop to search you or Stealing from you what you got from diamonds?etc.. or Allow you to go over
after they completely checked from you? why they destroy thier own game in thier hands with this bullsh*t ?? about 500 meters the checkpoints start opening fire on you... GOD i hate that!!
somthing cant get over it!!!
i dont know ? do i have to continue these Defects ? or i just stop with this shock and these ugly stuff that they make it in thier game?
for real i will remind some of cool stuff in the game:
the weather dynamic, day and night, shadows, you can choose your time to weak up when you sleep.
the fire interaction with the wind destination the animation when get out a bullet from your body..etc the graphics are amazing.
when you change your seat in the car. the weapon jam. the map editor so easy to awesome. the online to is good..
like what you guys have noticed.. Unfortunately the company Disappointed me with this game... if they didnot make these huge Media Noise and release very strong exclusives about thier game (far cry 2)
then i would see the game best of the best have been releasd last year 2008
but with rising our hopes with a game takes 100% in arts and physics and Realistic then release it with this ugly shape fully with defects. its rellay disappointed :(
and hey so any one thought that i've Wronged the game. i've complete the game till 50% yet!!! .. that means i've didnot mention what i've mention about the defects Only after passing the half of the game and try it Accurately. and with all these defects
this game is cool tho and i like it and its have some of fun and beauty that make to countine the gameplay. but if they give the game bigger chance to make it better without defects
and give it all choice longer time to make it better and release it after a 1 year and half for example .... but they rushed to much to release it with this bad shape...
and LAST sorry to keep you to long... hope you understand what im saying and hope you enjoy reading this!
important add: my speach about the defects because the media noise that make us Imagine that the game ganna be game of the year 2008 with all of it... but to bad naah .. :(
P.S : GUYS the game is nice and cool its not bad!! at all!! but My criticism is all about the media noise and make the game like OMG BEST GAME GANNA BE before they release it ,,, so to make us Surprised that the game miss some
stuff and these stuff were available in other UBISOFT games... so i hope every body under stand this.. :)
the game is not BAD AT ALL but i was hope that it will be best of the best and none of defects that i've remind it.... (sorry for my bad english)
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