After I To the Product out of the box and hooked it up to a TV(SDTV Mine U), here what i did in order.
1. The 1st thing i did was put in NHL 2001 for PS2 and the game works. But i hate how u have to keeping pressing the PSbutton whne u start a PS/PS2 game and also when u got back to the XMB. The game rumbles, but not like the PS2 version
2. The next thing i did i tried the remote play feature because i heard u can play PS1 games on PSP. so i pop in Crash Bandicoot 3 and it works but how come it doesnt fit the whole screen?
3. And now the big one, i pop in MGS 4. That 8 min installation stuff is awful. When the game begin, it started with an interview with david Hayter but i accidently press a button than it switch to another video footage. pressed the button and again, another odd video footage, can someone please explain that to me? after that was over and a cutscene, i was finally in gameplay mode. Ofourse i noticed the graphics and it look impressive and remember,i'm on SDTV. I ended my 1st MGS4 session at the point in which snack finds the oil drum. I hate the LS/R2 buttons not to mention
Other Things i did i need explaining
How come the PS3 doesnt copy the music just as it is from the source. when the PS3 copied my music, it had the tracks all over the place. Its the same with videos.
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