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after trying out the free update of Burnout Paradise, i can't stop playing at all, its the best game ever, the online community a getting bigger and better, and that makes me can't go back to that boring game called GTA4 its a very dissapointing game, and i can also listen to my own music too hahaah!! i don't care if u missed out on this game, i'll just gonna go play another 10 hours.jojo198
Um, excuse me you thought GTA IV was a BORING and DISSAPOINTING game?! you're kidding right? I can tell you this much: GTA IV is a WAY better game than Burnout Paradise. Class dismissed....
[QUOTE="jojo198"]after trying out the free update of Burnout Paradise, i can't stop playing at all, its the best game ever, the online community a getting bigger and better, and that makes me can't go back to that boring game called GTA4 its a very dissapointing game, and i can also listen to my own music too hahaah!! i don't care if u missed out on this game, i'll just gonna go play another 10 hours.CasinoOutlaw247
Um, excuse me you thought GTA IV was a BORING and DISSAPOINTING game?! you're kidding right? I can tell you this much: GTA IV is a WAY better game than Burnout Paradise. Class dismissed....
lol what??? riding taxi and watching ragdoll fly, go play mini game of pool, and go play a role of going date with friends a better game than actually playing games that runs in 60 fps, wow u sure got a good tast of no play games!
after trying out the free update of Burnout Paradise, i can't stop playing at all, its the best game ever, the online community a getting bigger and better, and that makes me can't go back to that boring game called GTA4 its a very dissapointing game, and i can also listen to my own music too hahaah!! i don't care if u missed out on this game, i'll just gonna go play another 10 hours.jojo198
You know in GTA IV you can get out of your car.... amazing. Theres a whole world of narrow alleys that you can explore in GTA IV.
[QUOTE="CasinoOutlaw247"][QUOTE="jojo198"]after trying out the free update of Burnout Paradise, i can't stop playing at all, its the best game ever, the online community a getting bigger and better, and that makes me can't go back to that boring game called GTA4 its a very dissapointing game, and i can also listen to my own music too hahaah!! i don't care if u missed out on this game, i'll just gonna go play another 10 hours.jojo198
Um, excuse me you thought GTA IV was a BORING and DISSAPOINTING game?! you're kidding right? I can tell you this much: GTA IV is a WAY better game than Burnout Paradise. Class dismissed....
lol what??? riding taxi and watching ragdoll fly, go play mini game of pool, and go play a role of going date with friends a better game than actually playing games that runs in 60 fps, wow u sure got a good tast of no play games!
There's alot more to the game than that but, I guess the things you mentioned are all YOU can really do.... P.S. my taste in video games can't be questioned.
[QUOTE="jojo198"][QUOTE="CasinoOutlaw247"][QUOTE="jojo198"]after trying out the free update of Burnout Paradise, i can't stop playing at all, its the best game ever, the online community a getting bigger and better, and that makes me can't go back to that boring game called GTA4 its a very dissapointing game, and i can also listen to my own music too hahaah!! i don't care if u missed out on this game, i'll just gonna go play another 10 hours.CasinoOutlaw247
Um, excuse me you thought GTA IV was a BORING and DISSAPOINTING game?! you're kidding right? I can tell you this much: GTA IV is a WAY better game than Burnout Paradise. Class dismissed....
lol what??? riding taxi and watching ragdoll fly, go play mini game of pool, and go play a role of going date with friends a better game than actually playing games that runs in 60 fps, wow u sure got a good tast of no play games!
There's alot more to the game than that but, I guess the things you mentioned are all YOU can really do.... P.S. my taste in video games can't be questioned.
oh yeah watching ur character get drunk, and watching ppl dance on fire, watching TV that shows the same things over again, i can think of more things.
[QUOTE="jojo198"]after trying out the free update of Burnout Paradise, i can't stop playing at all, its the best game ever, the online community a getting bigger and better, and that makes me can't go back to that boring game called GTA4 its a very dissapointing game, and i can also listen to my own music too hahaah!! i don't care if u missed out on this game, i'll just gonna go play another 10 hours.CasinoOutlaw247
Um, excuse me you thought GTA IV was a BORING and DISSAPOINTING game?! you're kidding right? I can tell you this much: GTA IV is a WAY better game than Burnout Paradise. Class dismissed....
Meh it wasn't that great. Got boring and repetitive very fast.
GT5 might be repetitive but its sure as hell a far more higher quality/better game than burnout paradise. Dont even try to compare that crap to a real racer like GT5.please.Viper2847
i'm not comparing anything, and i'm more of a sim racing than arcade, and both GT and Burnout a both fun game in different way, i enjoy the two equally, i wouldn't even say GT5 a better game than BP cause they both different, i race better in GT than Burnout, i'll say GT is good for racing sim and got real car, while Burnout got good crash and sense of speed and car dodging, good online and u can do alot of things in it.
[QUOTE="jojo198"]after trying out the free update of Burnout Paradise, i can't stop playing at all, its the best game ever, the online community a getting bigger and better, and that makes me can't go back to that boring game called GTA4 its a very dissapointing game, and i can also listen to my own music too hahaah!! i don't care if u missed out on this game, i'll just gonna go play another 10 hours.CasinoOutlaw247
Um, excuse me you thought GTA IV was a BORING and DISSAPOINTING game?! you're kidding right? I can tell you this much: GTA IV is a WAY better game than Burnout Paradise. Class dismissed....
GTA Fan-Boy at its best! Yea, the first guy is right, GTA is very boring! I will be picking up BOP very soon!
Pong was repetitive and look where it got us. Repetition doesn't denote good or bad just characterizes an act of repeating.emitsu97
That was back when people were amazed at the fact you could control s*** on screen. This is the 21st century man. We aren't easily impressed.
[QUOTE="jojo198"]after trying out the free update of Burnout Paradise, i can't stop playing at all, its the best game ever, the online community a getting bigger and better, and that makes me can't go back to that boring game called GTA4 its a very dissapointing game, and i can also listen to my own music too hahaah!! i don't care if u missed out on this game, i'll just gonna go play another 10 hours.CasinoOutlaw247
Um, excuse me you thought GTA IV was a BORING and DISSAPOINTING game?! you're kidding right? I can tell you this much: GTA IV is a WAY better game than Burnout Paradise. Class dismissed....
its called an opinion and i completely agree with him. gta4 is a pos just like all the other gtas...IMO[QUOTE="CasinoOutlaw247"][QUOTE="jojo198"]after trying out the free update of Burnout Paradise, i can't stop playing at all, its the best game ever, the online community a getting bigger and better, and that makes me can't go back to that boring game called GTA4 its a very dissapointing game, and i can also listen to my own music too hahaah!! i don't care if u missed out on this game, i'll just gonna go play another 10 hours.Last_One_Left
Um, excuse me you thought GTA IV was a BORING and DISSAPOINTING game?! you're kidding right? I can tell you this much: GTA IV is a WAY better game than Burnout Paradise. Class dismissed....
GTA Fan-Boy at its best! Yea, the first guy is right, GTA is very boring! I will be picking up BOP very soon!
I agree, the fun in GTAIV wears thin very fast, but we're not here to speak on that. With Criterion continuously giving free updates that greatly improve the game each time, I do not see why anyone wouldn't want to own this game. I plan on picking it up soon, as I wanted it when it released, but only had money for one game, which went to DMC4. Now that I don't have to worry about it, I'll pick up Burnout ASAP.
That was back when people were amazed at the fact you could control s*** on screen. This is the 21st century man. We aren't easily impressed. Duckman5
Sure they were impressed but more importantly they were entertained. Nowadays folks just look to be impressed, that's why hyped games fall off so quick. Gamers need to remember (or learn) what it means to be entertained and they won't be so rabid for the next big thing.
[QUOTE="Duckman5"]That was back when people were amazed at the fact you could control s*** on screen. This is the 21st century man. We aren't easily impressed. emitsu97
Sure they were impressed but more importantly they were entertained. Nowadays folks just look to be impressed, that's why hyped games fall off so quick. Gamers need to remember (or learn) what it means to be entertained and they won't be so rabid for the next big thing.
That does make sense and what I'm saying is that I was entertained for a while when playing GTA4. But, after a while everything felt too similar to what I did before. It felt like it took no chances in pushing the envelope forward or expanding on GTA SA. Everything felt too stale and that's when it lost it's entertainment value for me.
[QUOTE="CasinoOutlaw247"][QUOTE="jojo198"]after trying out the free update of Burnout Paradise, i can't stop playing at all, its the best game ever, the online community a getting bigger and better, and that makes me can't go back to that boring game called GTA4 its a very dissapointing game, and i can also listen to my own music too hahaah!! i don't care if u missed out on this game, i'll just gonna go play another 10 hours.jojo198
Um, excuse me you thought GTA IV was a BORING and DISSAPOINTING game?! you're kidding right? I can tell you this much: GTA IV is a WAY better game than Burnout Paradise. Class dismissed....
lol what??? riding taxi and watching ragdoll fly, go play mini game of pool, and go play a role of going date with friends a better game than actually playing games that runs in 60 fps, wow u sure got a good tast of no play games!
ur probably like those kids that palys the first 1o missins and skips the cutscenes and just screws around till ur boredGTA IV does get repetative and boring. I think Assassins Creed was more fun than the 'been there, done that' GTA IV.
after trying out the free update of Burnout Paradise, i can't stop playing at all, its the best game ever, the online community a getting bigger and better, and that makes me can't go back to that boring game called GTA4 its a very dissapointing game, and i can also listen to my own music too hahaah!! i don't care if u missed out on this game, i'll just gonna go play another 10 hours.jojo198
You, sir, sound like a 10 year old.
[QUOTE="jojo198"]after trying out the free update of Burnout Paradise, i can't stop playing at all, its the best game ever, the online community a getting bigger and better, and that makes me can't go back to that boring game called GTA4 its a very dissapointing game, and i can also listen to my own music too hahaah!! i don't care if u missed out on this game, i'll just gonna go play another 10 hours.criinok
You, sir, sound like a 10 year old.
A 10 y/o would want to go back more and more to GTA since you can kill anyone off the street. >_>
[QUOTE="criinok"][QUOTE="jojo198"]after trying out the free update of Burnout Paradise, i can't stop playing at all, its the best game ever, the online community a getting bigger and better, and that makes me can't go back to that boring game called GTA4 its a very dissapointing game, and i can also listen to my own music too hahaah!! i don't care if u missed out on this game, i'll just gonna go play another 10 hours.Duckman5
You, sir, sound like a 10 year old.
A 10 y/o would want to go back more and more to GTA since you can kill anyone off the street. >_>
Lol, I just think his paragraph structure was horrible. "i don't care if u missed out on this game, i'll just go play another 10 hours" is my favorite.
[QUOTE="CasinoOutlaw247"][QUOTE="jojo198"]after trying out the free update of Burnout Paradise, i can't stop playing at all, its the best game ever, the online community a getting bigger and better, and that makes me can't go back to that boring game called GTA4 its a very dissapointing game, and i can also listen to my own music too hahaah!! i don't care if u missed out on this game, i'll just gonna go play another 10 hours.ninjaxams
Um, excuse me you thought GTA IV was a BORING and DISSAPOINTING game?! you're kidding right? I can tell you this much: GTA IV is a WAY better game than Burnout Paradise. Class dismissed....
its called an opinion and i completely agree with him. gta4 is a pos just like all the other gtas...IMOI know what an opinion is I don't need your help on that.
I cant figure out how to get my own music on it.Nick3306
i dont even have the game, but i heard you just go the audio options and change the soundtrack to custom.
[QUOTE="Nick3306"]I cant figure out how to get my own music on it.theiceman08
i dont even have the game, but i heard you just go the audio options and change the soundtrack to custom.
you use the d-pad menu, as if you were going online, and just scroll down to soundtrack.
The ONE thing i'd like to know is: Is there a splitscreenmode for Burnout Paradise yet?? ;)_ADIVA_
yah thts the only fault of Burnout paradise =(
[QUOTE="CasinoOutlaw247"][QUOTE="jojo198"]after trying out the free update of Burnout Paradise, i can't stop playing at all, its the best game ever, the online community a getting bigger and better, and that makes me can't go back to that boring game called GTA4 its a very dissapointing game, and i can also listen to my own music too hahaah!! i don't care if u missed out on this game, i'll just gonna go play another 10 hours.jojo198
Um, excuse me you thought GTA IV was a BORING and DISSAPOINTING game?! you're kidding right? I can tell you this much: GTA IV is a WAY better game than Burnout Paradise. Class dismissed....
lol what??? riding taxi and watching ragdoll fly, go play mini game of pool, and go play a role of going date with friends a better game than actually playing games that runs in 60 fps, wow u sure got a good tast of no play games!
people, people its called opinions i however liked gta more than burnout but there different types of games so this is a stupid argument.Please Log In to post.
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