if you want shooting fun then get warhawk. if you want a brilliant free roaming racing game get Burnout Paradise. I have both and I love Burnout a bit more than Warhawk
if you can go online you have to get warhawk but u if you cant you should get burnout. burnout has online but its isnt as fun as warhawk. warhawk has up to 32 people online but in burnout theres only 8 players :(
If you have local friends that you like to play with then get Warhawk because it has online and local multiplayer splitscreen. Burnout does not have splitscreen.:(
if you dont care about ranking up to the next level get warhawk also if you like laughing at flying bodies all over the place. if you want a good racer get burnout especially now it has bikes in it. warhawk can be frustrating in the begining but you will get better
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