@Szminsky: Way too soon for a slim dude. Look at the slimline history of PS machines from PS1, PS2, and PS3.
People just say silly things because they feel a slimline release will eventually happen, but they think it's always about to happen suddenly. Sony will most likely introduce a new slimline model in 2 years, so if you are keen on waiting, have fun. People remember vaguely about slim PS consoles and figure it's time to start a rumor before EVERY E3.
I can guarantee 99.9999% there is no slimline PS4 releasing this year. People are silly, I heard this question slimline PS4 asked this time last year right before E3 2013 as a matter of fact, right here in these forums. Some people just create the rumors and pass it around because they simply are justifying why they are waiting.
Well, they will be waiting a few years as slimlines are released after many things happen both at production and due to sales. Slimline models are used also to spike sales when the sales are lagging, and right now PS4 sales are booming. Also, there has to be a reduction in size to components, which again takes time.
There will be PS4 subtle revisions (as there was with PS1, PS2, and PS3s), but no slimline for quite some time (if ever).
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