Hey guys.
So, I have a choice. To get a very lightly used 80GB PS3 tomorrow for a very fair price, or waiting about a month for a Slim 120GB at its normal retail price. Let me give you a few facts to base your decision off of:
I'm not patient. I've waited so long for a PS3 (something always came up that needed the attention of my wallet) and I want one NAO. I just keep scouring youtube for Demon's Souls videos, and it's pushed me to the edge. There are other excellent games I want of course, but Demon's Souls first. It's become an addiction.
I'm not concerned about memory. All I will be doing is playing games, offline and online. I won't be storing music or movies, won't be using the memory for anything else but save file and disc installs. So the less memory is not a concern for me.
I understand the Slims are more efficient at keeping cool. This probably wouldn't be much of a concern with either console, as I have an open space for it. It would be just a couple of feet away from the window, and considering its quite cold in Canada right now, would keep the PS3 quite cool, even when shut. In the summer, an air conditioner goes in that window, so there shouldn't be any overheating problems. It's not like I play for 8 hours per sitting anyways.
I think both systems are pretty slick, though the original fatties win in style. Gotta love that sleek look.
So whatcha think? Is it really worth holding out for a 120GB for more money when I have a shot at an 80GB for a great price?
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