Certain things like NASCAR games from EA over the years, I will buy because I know that 9 out of 10 times the reviewer is ignorant about the science and focus of stock car racing and misses the point ("If you like turning left for lap after lap, then this game is for you. So is a shiny object or a bouncing ball because the game is that boring.")
I've also purchased things like flight games - "IL*2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey" because reviewers complain about how difficult "Realistic" and "Simulator" settings are... to me, it's like "Finally, a game I can't whip into the ground on my first try!"
Games which seem mediocre to some can be breaths of fresh air for others, and while reviews are helpful because I don't want to ever make a purchase like I did buying "Godzilla Unleashed" for my DS on an impulse (I'm a Godzillophile) - Wow, going against review really burned me on THAT one... I knew it was a kiddie game but I didn't realize it was programmed for a cynderblock (that's a brick). It would have made a house cat pissed at how simple and non-game-like that title actually was...
... but I digress.
Buying games off the beaten track is where I've found some of my life-long favorites in gaming. "Sky Odessey" was a launch title on the PS2 and it got middling reviews (6 out of 10 on this site, I think?) but I bought it because it was a skill-based flying game with no gunplay, and I ended up completing the game about six times, unlocking every part, every plane, every minigame, every secret... I still own it and I still play it a TON.
The beauty of this hobby, this way of life, is that we are blessed with so much diversity and creativity, and there is really something out there for all tastes... This is why it is important that user dialogue and forums exsist... reviewers are doing us as consumers a great service by test-piloting these titles, but it's up to us as the consumer to make the final call on whether or not something works for US... I guess what I'm saying is the obvious: Think for yourself.
It's something which is forgotten, or flat-out ignored in this age of the Internets.
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