I'm really not all that optimistic that the PS3 version will match the 360 version. I've been watching a lot of G4s E3 coverage, and they have had a lot on COD 4, and it seems clear to me that the 360 version is the primary version.
They were talking with one of the top Infinity Ward guys, (I don't remember his name) and he was saying how the biggest and most exciting thing at E3 for him, was announcing that they have the exclusive 360 multiplayer beta, and how they are the first 3rd party game to do that.
The devs actually appeared and played a live demo at the Microsoft conference, made a big deal out of it, but all that the Sony conference had was a crappy trailer.
Even at the close of yesterday, they sat down with G4 and played a good bit of a demo for them as they talked, and all they talked about was the 360 version, how they have almost 2 years of experience developing for the 360 and how it's running so smooth and crisp on it, not much mention of the PS3 version at all. You could almost watch the E3 coverage when anybody from Infinity Ward is speaking, and you could almost think that the game is a 360 exclusive.
I don't know, none of that is solid proof that the PS3 version will suck or anything, but every bit of footage that has been shown of it at E3 has been on a 360, and all the other things, just make me wonder if the PS3 version has a chance at being as good. Hope so, but we'll see.
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