Hey guys.. Here's my story
I've Always been a Playstation fan, ever since i saw Final Fantasy VII on the PSX. I got the PSX, and then the PS2 and had really good times with them. Lots of good games. Never really cared for the other systems, all I knew was that i didn't like it and that if a great game was coming out it would be on PSX/2 for sure.
Now, i've been waiting for my chance to get my own PS3. I knew that due to the high price tag i wouldn't get it soon, as many other people so i shouldn't worry if it was doing bad on sales. Last couple of weeks i finally got my chance to buy one, as my mother is going to USA this week and I can ask her to buy it for me (Since the PS3 is over 1000$ in my country from retailers). I was really excited also, when i knew that there was going to be a price drop of 100$, so i thought that would definitly help the PS3 sales. And also there were good games coming out for it, like Heavenly Sword this month. I even read one Sakaguchi interview on a Spain videogame magazine, where he said that they were planning to do a new Castlevania game!! :D for Xbox 360!!!! :shock: and PROBABLY for the PS3, I was like WTF!!! :cry:
So I saw today that even with the 100$ price cut, PS3 couldn't even beat in July Xbox 360, IGN gave Heavenly Sword 7.0 and now the new industry aproach to game is: "Let's make our games for 360 and we'll see if we will port it to PS3"
I don't feel so confident now about me getting the PS3... Can anybody cheer me up? (sorry for the long post and poor english )
thanks for reading :D
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