Well I bought FF13 for my birthday, im picking it up tomorrow. But not so long ag:Do, I remember to have seen something saying that FF13 can break your PS3...I've heard about people who were playing, and then suddenly their PS3 just stopped working (this apparently happened while playing and also after saving)
So I dug up a little deeper and I found out that apparently both sony and SE admited that the game can break your console...but sony blamed SE for the problem while SE blamed sony because it was apparently a "console software" problem...well at the end no one tryed fixing the problem (apparently) so sony did not released a system update for this and SE didnt released a game patch...
But after all, not everything that you read in the internet is true...so I was wondering if any of you guys could tell me if the game is actually potentially harmfull for my console...
I have a Fat ps3 (80gb) fabriqued in 2009
edit: wow apparently I just found out I used "apparently" a lot of times, just ignore that
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