Hey guys, I had a problem that I wanted some of your input on.
Recently, I discovered that my laptop was affected by the herss.exe trojan. For those of you who don't know, herss.exe is a USB trojan that infects from computer to computer whenever you plug in an infected USB device into a computer. I have two laptops, and what must have happened is that when I was putting files into my Ipod [files and treating Ipod as a USB, NOT music files using Itunes.exe.] and plugged in my Ipod to my second laptop, that is how I must've infected my computer.
However, most nights I plug in my Ipod to my PS3 and access my files through my PS3. Can this herss.exe trojan, or any USB trojan, infect my PS3 in the same manner? Kind of really worried about this new malware.
Thanks in advance.
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