[QUOTE="ck02623"][QUOTE="AgentH"][QUOTE="ck02623"][QUOTE="G-Legend"][QUOTE="ck02623"]First of all, why would you want to compare it?
I'm sorry, but there is no way it will come even close to the sales of either one; it just has nowhere near the mass appeal. I'm going to buy it, but I'm sorry; it won't be even close.
I disagree, due to the hype of this being the last MGS4 and it looking to be an epic game I think sales will come close. People who haven't ever played an MGS title are interested in this jsut because of the fact that the hardcore MGS fans are hyping it to be amazing and the fact that Kojima is great dev, plus its a PS3 exclusive title which helps on that hype wagon. I think MGS4 will be better than both of those games gameplay wise considering Halo 3 was more like Halo 2.5 imo (like wtf some new weapons and gadgets and we see the end of the story everything else was the same as previous halos...) MGS4 will definately surpass it maybe not in sales but it'll come close.
I respect that, but unfortunately you're wrong.
As for the hype, there's not even one tenth of the hype that GTA or Halo3 had; it's not even close. MGS is not a mass-market game, and on top of that there just aren't that many people (comparatively) who have PS3's. The reason Halo3 and GTA sold so many is because they both included the Xbox360 market; something that MGS doesn't have. I'm sure it will sell a lot of copies, but NOT EVEN CLOSE.
BTW, you don't have/haven't played GTA4 have you?
I did play and finish GTAIV.
1- It doesn't deserve all the hype because it's nothing new to the GTA series. The cover system and the aiming system were stolen from Uncharted. It's the EXACY SAME COVER system and THE SAME AIMING system and RockStar didn't even bother to give Naughty Dog some credits.
2- It definitely do not deserve a 10 or even a 9.5. 8.7 - 9 MAX.
3- The graphics are glitchy. Too many bugs and the framerate drops at some points.
4- The storyline isn't even a story to begin with. It's more like killing people for the money.
5- 15 weapons only? NO customizations? are you kidding me?
6- No army, no tanks no nothing when you reach the 6th star. wtf?
7- The fist fight is dumb and the baseball bat is useless, and don't get started with the knife.
8- The money is useless, not challanging.
The best thing in GTAIV is:
1) RPG
2) Strip Club
MGS4 > GTAIV in all of the aspects from graphics to gameplay to weapons to sound to music to story to characters etc...
Seriously can't compare MGS4 to GTAIV.
In terms of sales, MGS4 will outsell GTAIV on PS3 only. But overall, because it's a multiplatform GTAIV will outsell MGS4.
The battle here is between Halo 3 and MGS4. Snake and Masterchief.
And you say all of this having played MGS4 then? Good, then your opinion certainly matters :-) Besides, your twisted review of GTA4 doesn't really matter, we're not talking about quality; we're talking about sales. BTW, you haven't played through GTA4; that is obviously not true. It's not cool to make up things to better your argument.
Anyway, I say yet again:
The hype surrounding both Halo3 and GTA4 put them on the top of the "Most Popular" list on Gamespot's home page for at least two weeks, GTA for even longer. How many days has MGS4 been at the top? Zero. Case closed.
And no, it will not beat GTA4 in sales on the PS3 either. If you remember, it was the PS3 version of GTA4 that was on the top of the most popular list, not the 360 version.
1) I bought GTAIV and finished it.
2) "it was the PS3 version of GTA4 that was on the top of the most popular list, not the 360"
GTAIV 360 outsells PS3 versionAccording to Level Up, the Xbox 360 version of Grand Theft Auto IV has been outselling the PS3 at nearly a 2-1 ratio, with 64% of sales going to Microsoft's platform, and 36% going to Sony's.
"The hype surrounding both Halo3 and GTA4 put them on the top of the "Most Popular" list on Gamespot's home page for at least two weeks, GTA for even longer. How many days has MGS4 been at the top? Zero. Case closed."
Zero? it's been on top for the past 3 days where have you been? and that chart won't make GTAIV look better than MGS4. I am so sorry.
GTA4 is at the top of the list right now, and has been since launch and beyond; I don't know where you're looking.
And of course the 360 version out sold the PS3 version, I'm just saying that even so, the PS3 version of GTA4 will outsell MGS4. We should keep this thread alive until then so you will see and reflect.
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