I'm at the end of my tether now, i have no idea what else i can do!! When im playing online with my PS3, regardless of the game, i can play random people no problem. But when i try to invite my friends or my friends try to invite me, it wont let us. The only game that works at the moment is Resi 5, but Bad Company and Fifa wont let us. MY internet setup is a bit strange because im in Halls at University. I have my PC connected directly into the internet socket in the wall (notice the Hardware Jargon!). and the internet is supplied by Cable-Com (I havent heard of them either!). I have then connected my PS3 to my PC by Ethernet cable and i can surf and download to the PS3 fine. Im pretty sure that i DO NOT have a router. It's just plugged directly into the wall. Ive read the back of the game manuals, and they say you should open certain TCP and UDP ports. I have tried to do this, but when it comes to opening ports 11000-11030, i would have to enter each number individually because it wont let me open them altogether. People have been talking about setting up a DMZ, but all of these walkthroughs involve using a router, and when i skipped that step it only came up with DNS Server error on my PS3. If ANYONE could help me sort this problem i'd be so damn grateful. I dont know what else to do now, and im getting sick of not being able to play online properly :-( Ive tried contacting Sony but they havent gotten back to me....
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