I just spent the last 3 hours searching the internet and trying everything I could to get online through my router(The same router I connect my nintento ds, xbox 360, computer, and 2 laptops to, so it's not the router) At first it was giving me the classic "Your IP address has timed out" message, so I spent about an hour searching through old internet threads and I finally figured out how to type in all my setting manually. After that, it didn't even run the ip test and went straight to the internet browser. When I actually try to go on a website, it says, "connection failed" or something like that. When I test my connection, it simply says "Internet connection: Failed" with no other information. When I try to play an online game, the same thing happens. I'm assuming I typed something in wrong but I'm not sure. Why is this so difficult? What am I doing wrong? My guess is that "default router" (or default gateway as it's called in the command prompt) was typed in wrong, or primary and secondary DNS was typed in wrong. Can you specify exactly what each of these is in the command prompt if this is in fact my problem? Thanks in advance.
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