Early today the evolution of the Official Playstation Website finally started up but what really has me thinking is what was Sony talking about when they said "Adding Community Features"?
Really all i saw was a site remodel with easier PSN integration. Many people have ideas that Sony should try and make possible. Here are some features i want to see within the site as 2008 comes to an end.
- PSN Beta Sign-UpÂ
Description: We all want to be apart of the beta tests that happen from time to time on the PS3 but many people that actually test the games and find errors don't get accepted into many tests. Well my idea is for Sony to have both Real testers and Impatient people alike to sign up for tests and actually let most of these people in BUT here is the catch... If the accepted members don't sign on to PSN much or actually test the game for glitches and errors then they aren't able to be apart of the next 2 beta tests and maybe after that they will have another chance. WAIT it doesn't stop there... the Testers should also be the ones to give some great ideas on how to make PSN better as a whole via this new website. Success Or Fail? What you think?
- PS3 & Playstation.com IntegrationÂ
Description: Okay yea we do have the ability to see what friends are on PSN and what games they are playing but the site lacks the feature to change our own comment and communicate with our friends or even manage our friends list directly from the site. We also don't have many avatars for our icon selection so the option to upload our own via Playstation.com should be a great way to change that.
- Home Webpage?
Description: Finally the beta has reached v1.0 and the Home website that was shown Via E3 a few years ago has yet to make a debut. The Sony Ericsson application has not been even seen since that day and many features didn't make the cut. Why haven't the beta testers got to test the "Home & PSN Website" communication features yet?
 - Custom Portable ID
Description: In the Playstation blog they had a final quote mentioning that before the year was over we will get more enhancements to our gamer profile? Do they mean our Portable ID's and I hope the ability to see the following. Trophies, games owned, current level and experience, and also our playing ****
-What changes were made to the Forums?
Question: What did they do other than change the login ID's and make our names white? WE WANT COLORS BACK!
What do you think should be added to this list and what do or don't you agree with?Â
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