I got a couple weeks off school for christmas and him heading back home, and both of my brothers are going to be there, and lots of my high school friends to, so i figure I would buy a good multiplayer game for either my ps3 or wii.
Now i love guitar hero, but i have never owned it, so i thought i should buy that, but I cant decide it or rock band. Rock bands idea sound cool but i just cant see any of my friends or brothers wanting to sing, and what if I dont like drums? isnt that waste of money? also, with only 40 some what songs thats pretty short, and I am not into the buying song thing.
Now usally i would just buy guitar hero, then buy the rockband game (or other way around), but now i hear the guitars dont work back and forth, which is super lame.
so basicly, do I cough up the money for an expensive game that im usally only going to be playing guitar anyway, or just buy guitar hero?
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