Wow, EA is looking pretty sad and pathetic now huh? Anyway, this is some great news for PS3 owners, we definitely won't be getting a substandard version of COD4! Thanks Infinity Ward!
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Wow, EA is looking pretty sad and pathetic now huh? Anyway, this is some great news for PS3 owners, we definitely won't be getting a substandard version of COD4! Thanks Infinity Ward!
Infinity Ward is now on my list of top game developers, alongside Insomniac and many others. It's developers like these that this industry needs more of, not companies like EA who are looking for a quick buck and make excuses for their own shortcomings.
anyone know what the other versions will run at?
PS3 is starting to flex its muscles then...
In the article it says that both Xbox 360 and PS3 will be running at 60fps with full AA.
Yeah, I post it and everybody ignores it. Somebody else posts it and it gets mass ammounts of responses. :roll:dewmandew7
lol sorry i didn't see it :P anyways bethesada (makers of oblivion) and infinity wards both proved that they aren't lazy and are determined to make great games.
[QUOTE="other44"]anyone know what the other versions will run at?
PS3 is starting to flex its muscles then...
In the article it says that both Xbox 360 and PS3 will be runningat 60fps with full AA.
Xbox 360 might have the edge in graphics for this game as the AA and HDR will be sent to its eDRAM to do, thus giving more memory and capacity for its GPU.
Lets hope for the best. But im not holding my breath. Ill get the game for whatever system it will be the best for. (I acctualy hope i'll get it for the PC since i just got a new one :) ) Anyways, it would rock if the PS3 version got 60FPS with full AA.
I wouldent understand why the PS3 version wouldent be abel to run it on 60FPS and full AA since the 360 version will. Non of the systems are that superior to the other one.
The 360 version will run at 60 FPS at full AA, and the PC version.. I guess what will only be controlled by what you system limit it to :)
yeah i'd be interested to see a graphics comparison of the two!
[QUOTE="other44"]anyone know what the other versions will run at?
PS3 is starting to flex its muscles then...
In the article it says that both Xbox 360 and PS3 will be running at 60fps with full AA.
Yay, PS3 owners get a version that is the sameas the 360! That's why we pay $200 more for our system!
[QUOTE="AtomicTangerine"]Yay, PS3 owners get a version that is the sameas the 360! That's why we pay $200 more for our system!
Wrong you payed 200$ extra for the blu-ray and other media sources that ps3 comes with.
Plus the dev also said in the article that the PS3 has some features in the game that have yet to be announced. Hopefully it's something good!
Call of duty 4 was created by a modded version of id tech 3/quake III arena engine right? If it is, I'm not suprised, Idtech 3 is like one of the most scalable engines ever.tidusjeff
No, that was the original Call of Duty.
Anyways, good to hear it'll be running full-speed, one thing that's really been a pet-peeve for me this generation are games that are *still* unable to keep a solid 30fps, even when the system is more than capable of running it at 60+, just time-constraints and inexperience coders ruining the thing.
This is some great news, hopefully more will follow. I love Infinaty Ward, they come out with quality games since they actually give a crap that ppl play these games. I will definitley pick this game up for my ps3, looks great.navigata
Damn skippy!
[QUOTE="PSdual_wielder"]is there no ps3 games out there currentlythat can run 60fps?
Ninja gaiden runs 1080p 60fps
Resistance Fall of Man, Fight Night Round 3, & many more...
screw EA... lazy developers don't deserve my money and won't get it.
can't wait for CoD4... looks amazing
Yeah, I post it and everybody ignores it. Somebody else posts it and it gets mass ammounts of responses. :roll:dewmandew7lol
its good news for ps3 owners, it really is, that both the 360 and the ps3 versions will run at full AA, and 60 fps.. but ill prolly still get it on the 360 because fps with the 360 controller just seems more fit for me than my six axis controller, not being a fanboy just for fps i like the 360 better. though i own both an elite and ps3.
I think EA is using the PS3 as it'sown development platform and either porting to the 360 or having a separate team work on that version.... I have no link, unfortunately..rptransam09
it is prolly a seperate team, because look at splinter cell double agent for 360, it was developed by the shanghi studio, where as for the other platforms was somewhere else.
[QUOTE="Krigon"][QUOTE="AtomicTangerine"]Yay, PS3 owners get a version that is the sameas the 360! That's why we pay $200 more for our system!
Wrong you payed 200$ extra for the blu-ray and other media sources that ps3 comes with.
Plus the dev also said in the article that the PS3 has some features in the game that have yet to be announced. Hopefully it's something good!
actually the devs said that there were features that were unannounced for both versions, though they will prolly be slightly different but still both will kick !@@ though.
Hmm, COD4, noted for it's ability to incorporate hundreds of things going on onscreen, runs at 60 FPS.
I wouldn't be surprised if the whole Madden thing actually had a little conspiracy behind it. I mean USA Today is reporting on it for god's sake. myxylplyx
I would be surprised if it didn't. One last desperate ploy by MS to stop the sony Juggernaut from rolling back in to it's rightful place at the top of the pack. Wasn't MS trying at one point to make Madden an exclusive? I seem to remember hearing that right about the time that Madden snapped up exclusive NFL rights.
1) COD4 is the game Iwant more than any other right now. I think it looks better than MGS, Drakes, Heavenly Sword, etc. And everything I hear about it is more than good.
2) Madden is my favorite game right now at 30 fps. Lighten up people. Here's the simple truth: They could have done 60 fps on the PS3... but as the game has serious time constraints... and because they had to write too much code to make it happen in time for a timely release,combine thatwith PS3's low NA numbers (where Madden is primarily sold), and they scraped it. Regardless I had 5 guys over at my house last night and we had a ball playing it, and they were in awe of how good the game looks. One of them owns a 360 and has played NCAA 08 extensively, which is very much the same game.
one of the few devs worth going through the trouble of making a game run/look the way its supposed to on the beauty we call PS3. this is absolutely phenomenal news, and hopefully just the beginning of more to come. i was kinda dissapointed with the CoD3 differences between it being on the the competing console vs the PS3, but confirmation from someone actually working on the game is extremely releiving.jzen_for "devs" i was, of course, referring to infinity ward. man, i haven't played the CoD franchise seriously since the United Offensive expansion pack. this is one undeniable reason for me to get back into the series!
I personally dont see the issue with PS3 running at 30fps and xbox360 running at 60fps. The bigger issue at the moment is Ubisoft producer and technical director Dany Lepage saying about Splinter Cell Conviction,
"It's NEVER gonna come out on the PS3 or the Wii. It's a logical decision," further implying that Nintendo's console doesn't have the graphical horsepower, and the PS3 can't handle AI nearly as well as the 360.
So at least EA made Madden 08 for PS3! which they did go on and say "The differences in the overall knowledge of the hardware is vastly different for both consoles and, as is the case with newer technology, it is very difficult to get it right the first time."
And also I've heard you can only notice the issues with PS3 when you compare it to 360. if anything its Sony's fault for letting Xbox 360 come out first. EA's defense is at least honest!
I personally dont see the issue with PS3 running at 30fps and xbox360 running at 60fps. The bigger issue at the moment is Ubisoft producer and technical director Dany Lepage saying about Splinter Cell Conviction,
"It's NEVER gonna come out on the PS3 or the Wii. It's a logical decision," further implying that Nintendo's console doesn't have the graphical horsepower, and the PS3 can't handle AI nearly as well as the 360.
Maybe he's referring to how busy they'll be making movies? :lol:
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