i did play the complete game.
jackson looked like he was still alive after the nuke (and he was)
i didnt know if they all died (is saw that guy (cant spell his name) shoot Gaz in the head (i think it was Gaz. Cptn. Price tossed me the gun but i remember th plane squad trying to revive him but he died. what about the rest?
And at the end even if they jumped out b4 the explosion wouuldnt they die when they hit the ground?
Griggs was shot in the neck while dragging Soap, so highly likely he had no chance.
Jackson "survived" the blast from the nuke, but obviously just barely, and the radiation would be extremely close and it's very unlikely he could even breathe. It was also likely his injuries would have killed him even if there was no radiation.
The people at the end jumped out and I'm sure they had parachutes. There is a slight jump to the scene where they jump out, so we are to assume there was time in between the last kill and the jump where they got everyone parachutes.
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