Let me clear up a few things for you.
Firstly, you're looking to buy either MGS4 or COD4? And you're looking for a comparison of both online plays. They are very different games, so it's quite difficult to make a comparison. I have both games and I play them very often, so I'll tell you my experience with both, this will obviously differ from other people's opinions.
COD4 online is awesome. You can never get bored with it. There's a ton of stuff to do. Keep raising ranks by killing other players online in matches, accomplishing challenges, increasing your level, new weapons, new camos etc... I think even if you aren't a fan of FPS games, you will be hooked on this one. It's single player is great, but multiplayer is the real feat here.
MGS4 singleplayer is the reason to buy MGS4. It's simple as that. If you're not into the story too much, I wouldn't recommend buying it until you've brushed up on that. Multiplayer is really fun too, there's loads of servers and different game modes being made as we speak. There's a lot of stuff to keep you occupied here. You create your own characters and get to customize him to your liking. As far as I know, you keep playing and improving your stats to achieve costume items to equip on your guy. Either way I think MGO is really fun if you know how to play.
I honestly can't tell you that either one is superior than the other. They are both awesome. Save up and buy both xD
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