Now I know this topic has already been beaten into the ground but I dont see why this has not happened.
Nintendo the #1 Portable gaming system leader of all time has come out with multiple colors for almost every system.
Why when Sony announces a 30 dollar price drop why not come out with maybe two more colors like white,blue, or even pink. To spark up the market. Believe me no one outside of the people that were waiting for a price drop isnt going to notice this. If they came out with new ads saying PSP NOW 169.99 AND IN All NEW COLORS!!! They would sell a lot more.
It baffles me when the PSP market in Japan and America are about the same but when it comes to a variety of consoles japan has 5+ and the Americas have 1. America Sales > European Sales but the Europeans get a bigger console choice as well. It just seems from a business prospective that Sony is making a horrible decision.
BTW...What happened to that Billboard Ad "White PSP is coming"
Just a thought.
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