I have to say that we need competition between the majors, because, in the end, we as consumers are the winners. Better games. Wider selection. More innovation. I've cast my lot with PS3 and am frustrated (like many) due to the lack of quality games 1 year after release. Still, seeing my friends twisting in the wind with their XBoxes off to be repaired is no fun for anyone who's a true gamer.
The only way PS3 comes close to having the same install base the XBox360 has is a true drop into the abyss by Microsoft. And while I don't see it happening, I think their rushing the system to market is biting them in the rump quite hard at the moment.
Again, I think we need competition to get the best games possible.
(Look at EA's Madden performance since they stopped getting pushed by the 2K franchise!)
What do you guys think?
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