I think that C syntax is less nicer thous days
I think I saw once an article that developers for the Xbox 360 has .Net environment that was developed by MS for gaming
Without condemning myself to true geek'dom...
DOT.NET is C++, C#, VB and Java Syntax... DOT.NET is a common runtime that allows for cross-code integration. Has little impact on developing a game-engine, but does mean you can have people with different programming backgrounds work same game project.
C++ (And C Syntax Code) is still most popular for gaming and HW intensive applications... C-programmers should be comfortable on both XB360 and PS3.
The only thing you're missing I think is you keep saying "at a basic-moderate level". Game programmers are looking to maximize the console which does involve something that isn't all that known really, and that's coding specifics for which path each packet takes to which part of the cell. Yes, it's all C syntax (and eclipsed is right once again, .NET was not developed for gaming although it could very well be used for gaming) but programming a game to run off the single main SPE and programming a game that requires multiple SPEs is a different story.
Still a nice post. I assumed it was all C based but wasn't sure until now.
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