1.Is Mortal Kombat Deception good game? as well what can i play online with someone in a different country or is it just with my friend... and do they need a copy of the game as well ( also Street Fighter 3)
2. I saw a video online and someone was playing Twisted Metal with a friend via one UMD...he loaded it up on one and made a server then popped it out and put it in the 2nd and did the same and did this back and forth til both were loaded up and in the game and the 2 of them were playing... is it possible to do it with any other games
3. Do you think E3 will be good to PSP or would it just release some B quality games
Well for point two, I have no idea what was going on there but there are some games out there that currently allow game sharing on your PSP.
As for the last point, only time will tell. But Sony has talked about how they know they've been kind of ignoring the PSP because of the launch of the PS3 and how they plan on fixing that. Who knows though.
If you like deception then you will love unchained, i currentyl bought it and i am enjoying it, and you can play with friends all over the world, i dont think you can game share.
Yes other games can be switched back and forth like in that video, example would be dragon ball z.
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