As far as which system to get, it depends on which game you wanna play the most really. The Daxter bundle is one hell of a bargain you recieve
Silver psp, with battery and charger: $169.99
1 gb memory stick: around $20-30(depending on where you buy)
Daxter game:$20
Family Guy Movie:$10-15
This is good if you don't plan on using too many features of the psp besides gaming, cause a !gb stick can only go so far(You can get quite a bit of songs on here, and games saves don;t take up to much) I wound up buying this one over the Star Wars Bundle, cause of the fact I liked the Silver tone, over the white, i heard good things about Daxter, and I didn't want a Darth Vader Battery Cover(it just looks kinda goofy to me). But I still wound up buying a 4gb stick for the system. i hear Renegade Squadron has good online features and has 16-player battles over infrastructure, which is nice. So I think it depends also on which game you wanna play the most.
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops is definately a must-buy title, if you can find it. Portable Ops Plus, on the other hand, is just a cheap expansion to the original. The single-player composes of just soem challenges to make your online Multiplayer character better(I don;t own the game, but this is what I have heard about Plus).
Some great games for the PSp, aside from Portable Ops are
Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow- Great Third Person Shooter, with awesome production values and sweet online
Final Fantasy Tactics
Silent Hill Origins-Great prequel to the series, with a good-sized campaign and unlockables
Medal of Honor Heroes- I'm referring to the first installment, I hear part 2 has hackers online. As for the first, campaign is decent, but short, but online is where it's at, 32-players...that's awesome for a handheld. Game goes for 15 bucks in a lot of places don't pass it up
Fire team Bravo 2- Also a budget title nowadays, Don;t own, but have heard some things
Some other Solid PSP titles are Lumines, Wipeout, Valkyrie Profile, Disgaea, Castlevania
Also with Patapan out now, and the upcoming God of war, and FF: Crisis Core coming out, i think it's a good time to own a PSP
Sorry for the long post, and BTw never tried Locoroco, so cant comment on that :)
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