Dont you wish naughty dog could make one last crash game.... Like the first 3... the ones that kicked ass.... Wouldent that be so awsome with juiced up graphics?! But sadly itll never happen again:cry:
Crash is going to Wii now. Really. Crash isn't owned by Sony, though it was quite a mascot. Crash AND Spyro were on GBA already, so they were already multiplat a few years ago.
I think because they don't own the rights for exclusive anymore. Just my thought.darkmanure
That is a fact. I think we go over this every second week. Crash licence and Spyro licence are not owned by Sony/N.Dog/Insomniac. It s to long to write what was the reason of that but you can find more about this on Wikipedia.
i agree the first 3 crashes wer the best, the new one just dont live up to the old ones. sadly they probably are never gonna go bak to the old ones.:cry:
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