So I'm fine with the combat being brain numbingly easy on normal and the dodge being overpowered down to the extreme. Its a RPG first and action game 2nd afterall, they cant punish theyr main audience for having crappy reflexes as thats not what a RPG is about.
However what does infuriate me is that even when in fights where i can 2 shot the enemys a fight instead of 10 seconds lasts 40 because that freaking rolling system comes up, complete with still pictures, cutscenes and lengthy attack animations. for crying
I agree a limit break is supposed to be big on presentation but not when they are taking place every freaking 30 seconds in combat. It feels like i'm watching that DMW system more than i can spend time actually in control of the combat extremely infuriating on enemys that can otherwise be 2 shoted within the time it takes for those rollers to even stop moving let alone the XXL sized cutscenes following it.
Yeah the DMW was a way weird design they added into it, I didnt really mind it but I agree that it wasnt neccessary. I think they should of stuck to the old formula. You get attacked, limit raises.
I'm all for the experimentation and for it to show "memories" that are not in the main game was a nice touch. Its just extremely anoying how often it gets triggered. Its like cologne, a little hint of it can smell great but splash it around and people will flee from nuisea
Its not uncommin to see TWO "limitbreaks" during a regular encounter (the kind that taes place every 15 steps) save them for bossfight and i'd be drooling but how i see it here its just overpowering the overall experience.
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