Crysis 3, You're Dead To Me!

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#1 MonkeySpot
Member since 2010 • 6070 Posts

After reading that yob from Crytek flapping his mouth about banning used game sales in future gen consoles... I will not be buying this game, or C2, or downloading the original - All of which, I had intended on doing because I really wanted to play them. But for this wad to say what he has said shows genuine ignorance, and a lack of compassion for the audience who pays his light bill... I would no sooner support Crytek from this point onward than I would support a Fascist government. Because that's exactly what the Crytek chimps want. A totalitarian state of gaming.

Crytek, Sony, Microsoft, and anyone else who gets on this bandwagon can perform oral sex on a Blue Whale.


The devs should be looking into taxing the people who PROFIT from a used game sale, not the end-user. It's massively misguided to charge the fans and allow a third-party to profit uncontested. It makes NO sense. And since the situation isn't changing or going away, it's bound to chase me away from buying ANYTHING in the future. Luckily, I have enough retro gaming on my shelf that I probably wouldn't need to ever buy another console again as long as I live, if I were forced to... Dude, I'll be completely cool with playing Atari 2600 games, I'd even play "Combat" by myself, rather than feed these priggish fops.

Who's with me on this? How many used games have you purchased vs new-stock, total, in your time as a gamer? How important is the used market (via the net or a store) to you? I can tell you that if I had to buy a game for $60 every time I wanted to play a title, I wouldn't have any games on my shelf. Families, cars, public transportation, education, etc. makes buying a $60 game a pipe dream for a lot of us. I would LOVE to properly support the devs, but the reality of it is, I couldn't be in this hobby if it weren't for second-hand sales.

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#2 clr84651
Member since 2010 • 5643 Posts

Fascinating! Drugs, tobacco, and alcohol are dead to me. I will never use any of them because they are bad and unhealthy.

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#3 finalserenade75
Member since 2009 • 2162 Posts

More than 95% of my games I bought new, so this won't affect me in anyway or another as I'll keep buying games the same I do now. I do however think this move, if it'll ever make it to the market, is absolutely disgusting. That being said, Crysis is my favorite shooter and Crysis 2 was a pretty darn nice experience. The new trailer shows almost nothing but it got me hyped up and I'm looking forward to Crysis 3.

But about buying used games, I can understand why developers are frustrated with this. It doesn't mean that consumers should suffer though, I look at massive game stores and I think they should be the medium. A certain percentage of the price we pay to these stores when we buy a used game should, ideally, go to the developers. That way everybody benefits. I don't wanna call names, but some stores buy used games from consumers for 15 bucks and sell them back for over 30. If 5 bucks out of those extra 15 they get go to developers it would go a long way. Sure it's not the same as buying a new game, but it's better than nothing.

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#4 4dr1el
Member since 2012 • 2380 Posts

Even thought I'm against banning used games on next gen consoles I wont refuse playing a good game because of the opinion of someone that worked on the game even thought the game HAD NOTHING to do with it. I'll still buy Crysis 3 because I absolutely loved Crysis 2 and enjoyed Crysis 1.

But if next gen consoles ban used games then I guess I'll go full PC something I should have done in the 1st place. Locking used games is complete and utter BS. People saying "used games hurt the industry" are most probably dumb spoiled rich people. You see used books, cars, movies, cds, etc being sold why games must be different from the norm? If you notice the ones trying to implement it are some of the most profitable companies... you dont see a small dev that doesnt sell well trying to shove "locked used games" arguments down our throats. So why must the most profitable gaming companies be the ones whinning about this??? Oh right, they just want our money in everyway possible

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#5 elbert_b_23
Member since 2003 • 8247 Posts
i don't buy used games and i am hoping that the next gen games do not use them
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#6 MethodManFTW
Member since 2009 • 26516 Posts
When people say being a PC gamer is just like being a console gamer in the future... That is correct for a few different reasons. ;)
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#7 KBFloYd
Member since 2009 • 22714 Posts

i dont care....if this makes gamers mad and ruins gaming then they will be out of jobs. so jokes on them.

otherwise...screw it ill just buy new.

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#8 soundcellx
Member since 2006 • 976 Posts

Crysis 2 sucked, so the Crysis series is dead to me.

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#9 Samslayer
Member since 2005 • 1852 Posts

Crysis 2 sucked, so the Crysis series is dead to me.


Crysis 2 was not the best...that's for sure.

I am a fan of used games, I would be very angry if they eliminated them. It's really the only way they can justify having a video game priced at $60.

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#10 Namgis
Member since 2009 • 3592 Posts

Hear hear. I agree with you. I was planning on getting 1 and 2, but not now. I get about 70% of my games used. I see their point that used games are hurting them, but we shouldn't be punished. They do know places like gamestop are the ones taking full advantage of them.


Make better games and I'll have to buy new because I wont find any used. Problem solved/

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#11 Vari3ty
Member since 2009 • 11111 Posts

Crysis 3 is dead to me, not because of your reasons but because Crysis 2 sucked ass. Will not waste more of my money on that franchise. I downloaded the original Crysis off of PSN, it's astounding how much of a downgrade Crysis 2 is from the first game.

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#12 MonkeySpot
Member since 2010 • 6070 Posts

To the post about drugs & alcohol, I'm right there with ya... 12 years, or is it 13?

To the posts about not caring, and buying anyway - Your privilege, more power to you if you can sustain it, but I have a family and therefor a limited income when it comes to luxury items like video games. Used shops & yardsale finds enable me to enjoy this hobby where I normally would have been financially dusted. I can't bring home a $60 game, not if I want to keep food and housing as a priority...

I just recently got a copy of "Silent Hill 4", for cryin' out-loud.


I am in complete agreement about certain game chain stores tipping the devs for being able to profit blindly from resale. I have nothing against GameStop, I shop there from time to time, and I get along with the employees who have always been helpful, courteous, and informative... But most clerks I have interviewed off the record agree that GameStop not being charged for all the the profit they make is pretty much ludicrous -

They do ****-all for gamers, developers, or publishers, and still make money hand over fist on all three parties. So who's the bad guy here? You or me, because we decide to pick up a used game as apposed to brand-new, or perhaps the reseller who, after they pay their employees the minimum of Minimum Wage laughs all the way to the bank?

There simply has to be a better way.

All that said, I still say this stanky balloon knot from Crytek is way too close to the sun, with his wings beginning to melt.

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#13 187umKILLAH
Member since 2010 • 1414 Posts
Yes I'm with you MonkeySpot, I too have never played a Crysis game and intended to at some point but not anymore. I don't even buy second hand games but not having that option if I choose to puts me off, plus it also affects everyone renting games as the fee to play games online on top of the rental fee is very off putting. The attack on the second hand market by the gaming industry is driven by pure greed, nothing more. I say fvck 'em.
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#14 worlock77
Member since 2009 • 22552 Posts

But for this wad to say what he has said shows genuine ignorance, and a lack of compassion for the audience who pays his light bill...MonkeySpot

But if you're buying used you're not actually paying his light bill.

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#15 worlock77
Member since 2009 • 22552 Posts

People saying "used games hurt the industry" are most probably dumb spoiled rich people. You see used books, cars, movies, cds, etc being sold why games must be different from the norm?4dr1el

All of those industries have tried to fight used sales at one point or another. Now is just the game industry's (still comparatively young) turn.

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#16 H_M_1
Member since 2011 • 1150 Posts
Quit whining. I just find it funny that they said 'fat chance' for Crysis 3 on the Wii U.
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#17 MarcRecon
Member since 2009 • 8191 Posts

I do agree with you in general concerning Crytec "BUT" I'm willing to give Crysis 3 a shot "IF" they correct the errors from Crysis 2. I must say that I am a little shocked that Crytec is bringing out Crysis 3 this-gen considering they blame the consoles for the poor sales of Crysis 2.:P

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#18 MarcRecon
Member since 2009 • 8191 Posts

Crysis 3 is dead to me, not because of your reasons but because Crysis 2 sucked ass. Will not waste more of my money on that franchise. I downloaded the original Crysis off of PSN, it's astounding how much of a downgrade Crysis 2 is from the first game.

Vari3ty you mean that Crysis is actually an upgrade over Crysis 2? @Vari3ty

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#19 Jackc8
Member since 2007 • 8515 Posts

I've probably bought 4 used games in my life, and traded in about 4. All others I bought new. If you buy all your games used, any threats of not buying games in the future are kind of comical - you're not contributing a cent to the publisher or developer. You're only penalizing yourself and Gamestop.

I also don't understand this thing about paying $60 for a game. My last few purchases, all brand new, were:

  • Alice: Madness Returns - $24.42
  • Ferrari Challenge - $11.98
  • L.A. Noire - $17.31
  • Red Faction Armageddon - $16.99
  • Grand Theft Auto IV - $19.97
  • Midnight Club LA - $19.97
  • Dragon Age 2 - $25.26
  • Bayonetta - $17.01
  • Vanquish - $16.99


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#20 CTR360
Member since 2007 • 9217 Posts
crysis 2 its amazing for consoles i cant wait for crysis 3
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#21 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

i heard about this.. omfg i was pissed, its amazing how these bastards keep milking us for money even after we buy a game at full price and call it dlc, yet even that isn't good enough for these douche turds, they want us strait up stuck with a game, regardless of how much it sucks, and NO way of getting a discount.. only thing more amazing then the fact they're trying to do this is the fact that there are some who act as if they're in agreement to the insane idea.. some people should basically walk around with a shirt on that says *rape me* in bright letters... i even heard that microsoft is trying to make it so that u can't even play a game unless your online in the future, so if u can't afford high speed internet u mine as well get a new hobby cause gaming won't be one of them.. this country is looking more an more like russia everyday.. :(

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#22 Chaos_Bladez
Member since 2007 • 5801 Posts
I know people say stupid things, but I'll buy a game that looks good. I hate Capcom with a passion, but I'll totally pick up DmC or RE6 if they are good (and signs point to yes).
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#23 soundcellx
Member since 2006 • 976 Posts

I know people say stupid things, but I'll buy a game that looks good. I hate Capcom with a passion, but I'll totally pick up DmC or RE6 if they are good (and signs point to yes).Chaos_Bladez
Signs point to no, actually. You know, since both DmC and RE6 look like poop covered diarrhea with flies on it.

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#24 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

[QUOTE="Chaos_Bladez"]I know people say stupid things, but I'll buy a game that looks good. I hate Capcom with a passion, but I'll totally pick up DmC or RE6 if they are good (and signs point to yes).soundcellx

Signs point to no, actually. You know, since both DmC and RE6 look like poop covered diarrhea with flies on it.

actually its much worst than that... poop covered diarhea with flies is honoring it.

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#25 soundcellx
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[QUOTE="Chaos_Bladez"]I know people say stupid things, but I'll buy a game that looks good. I hate Capcom with a passion, but I'll totally pick up DmC or RE6 if they are good (and signs point to yes).ShangTsung17

Signs point to no, actually. You know, since both DmC and RE6 look like poop covered diarrhea with flies on it.

actually its much worst than that... poop covered diarhea with flies is honoring it.

oh and maggots. definitely don't forget the maggots.

can't wait for DmC to release so it can bomb hard.

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#26 arsenal1111
Member since 2004 • 168 Posts
"But for this wad to say what he has said shows genuine ignorance, and a lack of compassion for the audience who pays his light bill.." So, he should show compassion to the crowd that buy used games because by buying used games they are "paying his light bill" as all profit on the used games go to the developers/publishers of the game? You're an idiot. Although, I agree with your view on attacking the used game consumer rather then the used games seller. They should make any profit they loose of used games from the stores. Not the consumers. If this occurs for the next few years, it's only going to damage the gaming industry. But I disagree with your argument that "$60" is too expensive. If it's too expensive for you, then bloody wait until it goes down in price. It's usually half price within 3/4 months. That way you still pay a reasonable amount of money for a game and the profit goes to the developers/publishers. And gaming is a hobby; not a right. Don't put it in the same sentence as buying food, travelling to work, paying your electric bills etc etc.
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#27 gokuofheaven
Member since 2004 • 3452 Posts
If this ever happens I will buy the game... when the price of the new copy lowers.
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#28 i-rock-socks
Member since 2007 • 3826 Posts

i stopped reading after... who am i kidding, i never started reading

my actions arent based on the thoughts of developers and aside from the games they make themself neither are our games, who cares if their againist pre-owned blah, blah, blah.

their monkeys, make my game and stfu, who cares what they think

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#29 MonkeySpot
Member since 2010 • 6070 Posts

I've probably bought 4 used games in my life, and traded in about 4. All others I bought new. If you buy all your games used, any threats of not buying games in the future are kind of comical - you're not contributing a cent to the publisher or developer. You're only penalizing yourself and Gamestop.

I also don't understand this thing about paying $60 for a game. My last few purchases, all brand new, were:

  • Alice: Madness Returns - $24.42
  • Ferrari Challenge - $11.98
  • L.A. Noire - $17.31
  • Red Faction Armageddon - $16.99
  • Grand Theft Auto IV - $19.97
  • Midnight Club LA - $19.97
  • Dragon Age 2 - $25.26
  • Bayonetta - $17.01
  • Vanquish - $16.99



I have purchased games priced that way brand-new, certainly... I think that most of the games I like, I TRY to buy when they hit that $20us mark (or less) in a "new" condition but that's not paying the publishers or the devs what they desire either - So is that the next thing? Cementing prices? Because when the used market goes away (assuming the industry gets what it wants), what's the next thing in line to fall under their scrutiny?

I'm not whining here. I'd like to be clear on that. What I am saying, and what I am concerned about, is all of the precedents which are being set. First we had online passes, now we've got potential legislation on the books, if you will, to further lock our conditions as consumers because various resale shops are profitting... Which really makes no sense to me.

Why are consumers paying the price again and again for a business model they have no vested interest in? We're not the people at the end of the year who have MORE money in our accounts due to used game sales, the resales are. So why aren't THEY paying into the pockets of publishers? At least in SOME ratio to what we consumers are paying? Why is the consumer saddled for this ride?

My theory is, they do it that way because they CAN. The same way alcohol and tobacco (as well as illicit drugs, for that matter) do. You have a fairly captive audience which is, in some ways, under the conditions of an addiction. It's not meth addiction, where your teeth rot out of your head and your skin turns to leather at age 25, but it is something which I think we can all say, we're hooked on to one extent or another...

The gaming industry is getting far too complacent in their position, and somehow they think there's no way for them to fall from our grace... And that's a dangerous assumption. Look at the early 1980s and the glut-crash the industry took back then. Too many products, not enough quality control, and a desensitized consumer populace that says "Sorry, I've had enough".

On the subject of rentals, I gotta say I hadn't even considered that angle... But what does this mean for, and local rental brick-n-mortar businesses, if this sort of ban goes into effect? A lot of gamers DO in fact rent games instead of buying them.

I like the idea of mandatory demos, by the way... I've been sayig for years that most of the games I have purchased were because of a demo experience solidifying my interest in playing a game...

This is not whining, this is concern for how the industry is progressing, and how it effects each of us. And when I see reps gumming on about how they're getting the short end of the stick, t gets in my craw.


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#30 arsenal1111
Member since 2004 • 168 Posts


I've probably bought 4 used games in my life, and traded in about 4. All others I bought new. If you buy all your games used, any threats of not buying games in the future are kind of comical - you're not contributing a cent to the publisher or developer. You're only penalizing yourself and Gamestop.

I also don't understand this thing about paying $60 for a game. My last few purchases, all brand new, were:

  • Alice: Madness Returns - $24.42
  • Ferrari Challenge - $11.98
  • L.A. Noire - $17.31
  • Red Faction Armageddon - $16.99
  • Grand Theft Auto IV - $19.97
  • Midnight Club LA - $19.97
  • Dragon Age 2 - $25.26
  • Bayonetta - $17.01
  • Vanquish - $16.99



I think that most of the games I like, I TRY to buy when they hit that $20us mark (or less) in a "new" condition but that's not paying the publishers or the devs what they desire either -

Why isn't it what they desire? The problem with used game sales is that developers/publishers (referred to as devpub from now on) receive NO money from the sales. Absolutely 0. Zilch. Considering that the cost of burning their game on to a CD and the case are quite negligeble, even at $20, devpubs are still receiving a decent amount of money from the sale of the games.

now we've got potential legislation on the books, if you will, to further lock our conditions as consumers because various resale shops are profitting...

What potential legislation are you talking about? Did you just pull this our of your arse? I stay up to date with all gaming related news and there's never been a mention of such potential legislation.

My theory is, they do it that way because they CAN. The same way alcohol and tobacco (as well as illicit drugs, for that matter) do. You have a fairly captive audience which is, in some ways, under the conditions of an addiction. It's not meth addiction, where your teeth rot out of your head and your skin turns to leather at age 25, but it is something which I think we can all say, we're hooked on to one extent or another...

No. I can't emphasise how stupid your conclusion or comparing games to alcohol and tobacco (to ANY extent) is. It makes me want to punch a baby in the face. Gaming is a form of entertaining. Such as watching a movie. Reading a book. Sure, there are people who are addicted to gaming but these are in the minority. If YOU (the guy I'm quoting), personally, feel as you're addicted to gaming then I suggest you go and get help with your addiction. Do not generalise your feeling of addiction to gaming with the rest of the gaming community. I, and I'm sure the majority of gamers, have no sort of addictive feeling towards gaming.

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#31 Conjuration
Member since 2006 • 3562 Posts

The devs should be looking into taxing the people who PROFIT from a used game sale, not the end-user. It's massively misguided to charge the fans and allow a third-party to profit uncontested. It makes NO sense. And since the situation isn't changing or going away, it's bound to chase me away from buying ANYTHING in the future. Luckily, I have enough retro gaming on my shelf that I probably wouldn't need to ever buy another console again as long as I live, if I were forced to... Dude, I'll be completely cool with playing Atari 2600 games, I'd even play "Combat" by myself, rather than feed these priggish fops.

Who's with me on this?


Hell yes. I've always wondered why they aren't trying to make a case against used game sellers rather than directly f***ing the consumer over.
I think devs/publishers should be entitled to some compensation for their game being sold used. It actually blew my mind when I found out they didn't get anything from used sales. But I have next to zero respect for any developer anymore because of how they've handled this whole thing. They just love kicking the little guy around. Leave us poor working slobs alone and go after your real enemy I say.

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#32 arsenal1111
Member since 2004 • 168 Posts


The devs should be looking into taxing the people who PROFIT from a used game sale, not the end-user. It's massively misguided to charge the fans and allow a third-party to profit uncontested. It makes NO sense. And since the situation isn't changing or going away, it's bound to chase me away from buying ANYTHING in the future. Luckily, I have enough retro gaming on my shelf that I probably wouldn't need to ever buy another console again as long as I live, if I were forced to... Dude, I'll be completely cool with playing Atari 2600 games, I'd even play "Combat" by myself, rather than feed these priggish fops.

Who's with me on this?


Hell yes. I've always wondered why they aren't trying to make a case against used game sellers rather than directly f***ing the consumer over.
I think devs/publishers should be entitled to some compensation for their game being sold used. It actually blew my mind when I found out they didn't get anything from used sales. But I have next to zero respect for any developer anymore because of how they've handled this whole thing. They just love kicking the little guy around. Leave us poor working slobs alone and go after your real enemy I say.

So, when I brought my first (used) car (a Peugeot 206) from your normal average Joe (or Dave, as he would be named here in England); Dave should have to give a percentage of the money I gave him for the car to Peugeot?
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#33 Conjuration
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The devs should be looking into taxing the people who PROFIT from a used game sale, not the end-user. It's massively misguided to charge the fans and allow a third-party to profit uncontested. It makes NO sense. And since the situation isn't changing or going away, it's bound to chase me away from buying ANYTHING in the future. Luckily, I have enough retro gaming on my shelf that I probably wouldn't need to ever buy another console again as long as I live, if I were forced to... Dude, I'll be completely cool with playing Atari 2600 games, I'd even play "Combat" by myself, rather than feed these priggish fops.

Who's with me on this?


Hell yes. I've always wondered why they aren't trying to make a case against used game sellers rather than directly f***ing the consumer over.
I think devs/publishers should be entitled to some compensation for their game being sold used. It actually blew my mind when I found out they didn't get anything from used sales. But I have next to zero respect for any developer anymore because of how they've handled this whole thing. They just love kicking the little guy around. Leave us poor working slobs alone and go after your real enemy I say.

So, when I brought my first (used) car (a Peugeot 206) from your normal average Joe (or Dave, as he would be named here in England); Dave should have to give a percentage of the money I gave him for the car to Peugeot?

Never thought of it that way. It's an interesting point, but perhaps not very relevant to this situation. How its different is the legislation that dictates how these two different industries operate: When you buy a car it's yours. You can modify it and do whatever you want to it (within the law). But for games, you're not buying it. You're basically renting the license and it can be revoked or alteredat any time without your consent. Apples and oranges my friend. But I agree with your philosophy.

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#34 arsenal1111
Member since 2004 • 168 Posts


Hell yes. I've always wondered why they aren't trying to make a case against used game sellers rather than directly f***ing the consumer over.
I think devs/publishers should be entitled to some compensation for their game being sold used. It actually blew my mind when I found out they didn't get anything from used sales. But I have next to zero respect for any developer anymore because of how they've handled this whole thing. They just love kicking the little guy around. Leave us poor working slobs alone and go after your real enemy I say.


So, when I brought my first (used) car (a Peugeot 206) from your normal average Joe (or Dave, as he would be named here in England); Dave should have to give a percentage of the money I gave him for the car to Peugeot?

Never thought of it that way. It's an interesting point, but perhaps not very relevant to this situation. How its different is the legislation that dictates how these two different industries operate: When you buy a car it's yours. You can modify it and do whatever you want to it (within the law). But for games, you're not buying it. You're basically renting the license and it can be revoked or alteredat any time without your consent. Apples and oranges my friend. But I agree with your philosophy.

Really? I didn't know that. I'm pretty sure I can do what I want with the game, as well. Such as use it as a freesbe. Or maybe a cup holder. Haha. But I understand what you're saying. At the end of the day, we all want the same thing. We want to continue play these fantastic games but at reasonable prices which go directly into supporting the developers which made these fantastic games so they can make new fantastic games and the cycle thus continues :D. Let's just hope that a consensus is reached which doesn't harm neither the consumers or the developers.
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#35 worlock77
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I have purchased games priced that way brand-new, certainly... I think that most of the games I like, I TRY to buy when they hit that $20us mark (or less) in a "new" condition but that's not paying the publishers or the devs what they desire either - So is that the next thing? Cementing prices? Because when the used market goes away (assuming the industry gets what it wants), what's the next thing in line to fall under their scrutiny?

I'm not whining here. I'd like to be clear on that. What I am saying, and what I am concerned about, is all of the precedents which are being set. First we had online passes, now we've got potential legislation on the books, if you will, to further lock our conditions as consumers because various resale shops are profitting... Which really makes no sense to me.MonkeySpot

The publishers set the prices (not counting store discounts, etc), so when a game goes down in price (as pretty much all games do), it is because the publisher has lowered the price they charge for it. Ergo: it is what they desire.

And what, pray tell, potential legislation is on the books? Honestly I believe you're talking out of your ass here. There will be no legislation passed that prohibits the sale of used goods, as the First Sale Doctrine has long been upheld by the courts.

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#36 MonkeySpot
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[QUOTE="MonkeySpot"]I have purchased games priced that way brand-new, certainly... I think that most of the games I like, I TRY to buy when they hit that $20us mark (or less) in a "new" condition but that's not paying the publishers or the devs what they desire either - So is that the next thing? Cementing prices? Because when the used market goes away (assuming the industry gets what it wants), what's the next thing in line to fall under their scrutiny?

I'm not whining here. I'd like to be clear on that. What I am saying, and what I am concerned about, is all of the precedents which are being set. First we had online passes, now we've got potential legislation on the books, if you will, to further lock our conditions as consumers because various resale shops are profitting... Which really makes no sense to me.worlock77

The publishers set the prices (not counting store discounts, etc), so when a game goes down in price (as pretty much all games do), it is because the publisher has lowered the price they charge for it. Ergo: it is what they desire.

And what, pray tell, potential legislation is on the books? Honestly I believe you're talking out of your ass here. There will be no legislation passed that prohibits the sale of used goods, as the First Sale Doctrine has long been upheld by the courts.

OK - Poor choice of wording. I didn't mean a literal law passed by Congress, folks. I mean that there are questions about future policy concerning software and that the decisions made will then change the face of gaming. There are some good points going on in here, sorry for my inability to communicate today.

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#37 nightshade869
Member since 2007 • 3457 Posts
I am going to get the game!! Sorry TC...literally just got Crysis 2 two days ago too....I hate used games and I personally feel they hurt the industry a lot. I only buy games I really like and have no problem supporting developers and the employees who put in years to make them. Game development is a very risky business and used game sales decrease the odds of a company taking a chance with a new idea or a new IP.
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#38 TheFallenDemon
Member since 2010 • 13933 Posts

Might as well stop breathing then. After all, these evil game developers are also sharing the same air as you and that's supporting them as much as buying their games.

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#39 soundcellx
Member since 2006 • 976 Posts

Might as well stop breathing then. After all, these evil game developers are also sharing the same air as you and that's supporting them as much as buying their games.


Very poor analogy that does not make sense.

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#40 Chaos_Bladez
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[QUOTE="soundcellx"]Signs point to no, actually. You know, since both DmC and RE6 look like poop covered diarrhea with flies on it.


actually its much worst than that... poop covered diarhea with flies is honoring it.

oh and maggots. definitely don't forget the maggots.

can't wait for DmC to release so it can bomb hard.

Ok, signs point to yes FOR ME IN MY OPINION. :D
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#41 MonkeySpot
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Might as well stop breathing then. After all, these evil game developers are also sharing the same air as you and that's supporting them as much as buying their games.


Very poor analogy that does not make sense.

And, there's nothing evil here. Just misguided. I never said they were evil. In my opinion, Crytek and other devs or hardware companies are going after the wrong part of the food chain in used game profits. Also, I'm not saying the consumer should get away scott-free in the matter, but perhaps the resales should be paying a ratio, a percentage, of the fees incured by a used game. Right now, all those companies are doing is pure profit off of gamers, and the publishers/ devs.

Seems like consumers AND devs are getting screwed, but the consumers are footing the bill all by themselves.